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  Latest stuff
Posted by: Renegade - 04.08.2006, 07:18:21 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - No Replies

Just to keep you all up to date:

  • ModEnc's files were all back a day later, it works without problems
  • We added our NavBar to the top, giving quick access not only to our projects/hostees, but also to many, many forum functions.
  • RenegadeProjects.com finally got a template! (And a new CMS...TikiWiki was annoying...)
  • This is the important one: After fighting some initial bugs, the alternative reputation system we installed is now ready. Most obviously, it displayes reputation as a number in posts, giving you a clear indicator of how trustworthy a person's replies are. It also has an extensive reputation moderation part, so there's no use repping someone down just 'cause you dislike him - will all just end up with you in negative rep and no change for your target.

    This mod also adds reputation-controls on profile pages, and reputation details for users that can be accessed through clicking "Reputation" in a user's data on his post. Click the number to add/substract reputation.

  Lithuanian Webmaster Re-Distributes Mods
Posted by: Renegade - 24.05.2006, 21:50:51 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (23)

I am posting this thread on behalf of DCoder, as he had no time to do it himself.

Yesterday, I was informed by him about a Lithuanian website offering a wide range of mod and tool downloads from the community. These downloads are

  • unauthorized
  • outdated
  • and mostly virus-infected.
Even if you don't care whether somebody else distributes your mod, you should always remember that people will blame you if their computer gets infected through your mod, and that an innocent user's computer will be fucked using your files as a vehicle.
Not to mention that some of us would rather have users download the latest versions of the mods, not some years-old one. (The TD version up there is a RA2-version from 2002...any questions?)

As a reaction, DCoder will contact his host by e-mail, requesting the site to be taken down. He will write a Lithuanian intro, and each of the affected developement teams is invited to leave a personal note stating their wish for action in this or the Revora thread, to be included in the mail as well. The more of us demand action, the higher our chances are to get the ripper taken down.

List of downloadable software:
Red Alert 2 Map editor
Red Alert 2 TibЕd

Allied Generals Mod 2004
Destruction Mod
Kaiser Revolution
Mooman 12
Real RA2
Xtreeme Forses
Animalz Mod
Lion Mod
New Weapons
Ra2 AI
Ra2 EX
The Wars Rage

Yuris Revenge 1,001 patch
Yuris Revenge Rock patch

C&C Reloaded
C&C Nucled Mod
Code Red
Crazy Rules
Eaglered Assian Assault
Eaglered Yuris Assault
Mental Omega
MJ's Mod
Robot Storm
Savage War
Third War
Purple mod
Yuri Supernova
Ra2 Mixup

...these are the actual, copy-pasted download-designations from the site; if your mod's name is fucked up, welcome to the club.
If your mod is on there and you want the page taken down, reply with a formal request to the host either here or at Revora.

Statement for inclusion by Renegade:
Renegade Wrote:Dear executives at meka.lt,

while I do support the distribution of my work outside my personal webspace, the version downloadable at http://www.jaguar.meka.lt/redalert2/ is not only vastly outdated and obsolete, but also labeled wrong - this provides a twofold attack on my personal honor and my intellectual property, as the version downloadable is either
a) _not_ recognized as mine, due to the wrong name, making it essentially a plagiarism, or
b) it _is_ recognized as mine, but, through the fact that it's old and obsolete, creates an image of bad quality in my work, turning this into a case of libel against me.
Neither is acceptable.

In addition, even though I, personally, would have had no problem with the user responsible distributing a correctly labeled, current version of the mod, I nevertheless doubt other Mod Leaders have taken a similar stance toward their distribution channels. As such, the actions of this user can only be seen as large-scale software piracy and violation of intellectual property rights.

I hereby firmly request the immediate suspension of the account in question, until I and the other rights holders have reached an agreement with the webmaster about the terms of further distribution of our software.

Charly "Renegade" Kiendl
Creator of Total Destruction

http://www.ra2.mums.lt/ - short address for the page
http://www.jaguar.meka.lt/redalert2/ - actual address of the page
It loads slow as hell, if at all, but if you get through, simply click on "mods" and you get the list.

Some quotes from my talks with DCoder:
DCoder Wrote:DCoder - Certified HTML/CSS/PHP/JS Master! http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/tr...id=4284069: aaaaaaah
DCoder - Certified HTML/CSS/PHP/JS Master! http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/tr...id=4284069: AVG bitching babout viruses in their mirror of Allied General's Mod 2004
Renegade - Scientists Search Deep Sea Reefs for Wonder Drugs: e-heh
DCoder - Certified HTML/CSS/PHP/JS Master! http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/tr...id=4284069: Virus identified: Win32/Hidrag.A
DCoder Wrote:DCoder - Certified HTML/CSS/PHP/JS Master! http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/tr...id=4284069: same shit in their "YURI-1001-English.exe"
DCoder Wrote:Renegade - Scientists Search Deep Sea Reefs for Wonder Drugs: Well, then the mirror should be taken down, if only to protect the downloadees
DCoder - Certified HTML/CSS/PHP/JS Master! http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/tr...id=4284069: yeah, last time people compained about viruses, that guy replied "your own damn fault for not scanning them"
DCoder Wrote:Renegade - Scientists Search Deep Sea Reefs for Wonder Drugs: there's a whole lot more known mods on there
DCoder - Certified HTML/CSS/PHP/JS Master! http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/tr...id=4284069: I know
DCoder - Certified HTML/CSS/PHP/JS Master! http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/tr...id=4284069: I just thought I would ask the webmaster himself nicely first. Since he has told me to basically "shoe it up my ass", I guess I should tell the others now.
DCoder - Certified HTML/CSS/PHP/JS Master! http://www.brainbench.com/xml/default/tr...id=4284069: shove*

Update 1: Fixed one "r", one newline.
Update 2: Fixed spacing in update 1, uploaded screenshot in case people can't reach the site.
[Image: thumb_lith-downloads.gif]

Exclamation Lion, get well soon!
Posted by: DCoder - 16.05.2006, 07:27:27 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (4)

Lion, webmaster of CNCDEN, was involved in a serious accident yesterday:

Lion Wrote:Today at about 10:30 A.M. I was involved in a serious accident. A tractor-trailer pulled in front of me, and I hit him head on at about 45 miles per hour. I was pinned in and had to be cut out of my Dodge pickup truck. I'm very fortunate to be alive. My airbag deployed and saved my life. And I do believe God (no offense if ya don't believe) had a hand in it as well. I was rushed to the hospital, given the usual routine of tests including an MRI and several x-rays. I had some bad cuts, and they stitched them up. No broken bones or internal bleeding. My face is black n blue. And I have lots of tiny pieces of glass imbedded in my body. After six hours in the hospital they released me. I'm home now...very sore of course and will be for the next week or so. The fire dept. folks who cut me out came to see me in the hospital. They showed me pics of my truck via their cell phones. The one dude said they couldn't believe I was still alive. And after seeing the condition of my truck, neither could I.

Depending on how I feel, updates could be on the thin side for the next few days or so. I just didn't want anyone to think I deserted the site. I have a friend that is going to take some pics of my now crushed truck, and I'll post em up when I get em.

Best wishes to Lion, hope he gets well soon.

(Reposted from PPM, Lion's original post at CNCDEN.)

  We're back. Again.
Posted by: Renegade - 22.04.2006, 18:23:04 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - No Replies

Okay, after a few days of tweaking, everything is back in order. Missing admin language-folders were restored, ModEnc's uploads were fixed, and we installed an all-new bugtracker. Boy, that one is exciting. In addition, we got rid of Typo3 on the main sites, making them a little "temp" atm, but we've got a big announcement for STX to make, and some further plans for ModEnc as well.

In addition, thanks to the fact that we're on a new server now, we should have a much more downtime-free ride than at X1.

Oh, and I wrote a little introduction to our services...
.pdf   renegade_projects_services_101.pdf (Size: 177.63 KB / Downloads: 669) (will be stickified at STX main as well.)

  We're back.
Posted by: Renegade - 08.04.2006, 18:49:50 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (4)

Once again, some lame skriptkiddie needed to get off, but at least this time it left behind proof of his inability to hack himself...look how the site would have sported the following text:

lame skriptkiddie Wrote:.: [ ReDSKulL Owned Your Site ] :.
as well as
lame skriptkiddie Wrote:ThiS SiTe HaCkEd By ReDSKulL HaCkEr
...yeah, right.

Look what the sourcecode says:
sourcecode Wrote:<!-- Original: Eric Stremming <estremming@hotmail.com> -->
<!-- Web Site: http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Club/5970 -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com -->
Any questions?
I guess it was one of those pathetic n00bs I met at DZ, or perhaps people we banned recently. That, or simply someone who googled for a particular version'd script he knew was flawed. (Update: Unconfirmed rumor had it that our beloved [whatever]Prime was the attacker, but emphasis is on "unconfirmed". Would fit his style, though.)

Either way, since it was just a lame kiddie and no real hacker, the "only" damage we took was that all files on the main account were gone. This means:
  • Most actual content is still there, since it was stored in the database
  • The hostee-accounts as well as ModEnc, QDB etc were not touched
  • All files from File Fortress, the gallery, forum attachments as well as avatars are gone and need to be re-uploaded.
  • We used this opportunity to switch forum softwares. We replaced our outdated IPB trial-version with MyBB. This will, of course, lead to a short transition period, as we need to adjust settings, but thanks to our Level 20 DCoder, all posts and users are still there Wink

In addition to this whole kiddie-incident, however, our host, the by now infamous X1, decided to pull a suprise move on us...literally. They gradually moved all my accounts to a new server without notifying me beforehand, and, in fact, implied it was part of the move that all my files were gone (DCoder later realized where our files really had gone). While doing that, they also shut down the DNS-servers we were using, fucked other things up, etc., etc. By the time of this writing, *.renegadeprojects.com subdomains still don't work. ?_?

Just to make this 100% clear: The damage done by the kiddie was fixed within a few hours. The whole downtime/unreachable/cannot be found story was and is due to the host, and is entirely unrelated.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused, but keep in mind: I was taken by surprise just as you.

Oh, and I demand you all make some noise for DCoder. If it wasn't for him, we'd still be stuck with IPB 2.0.0.

  Forum Organizational Updates
Posted by: Renegade - 26.03.2006, 18:33:49 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - No Replies

I just did some organizational changes to the forums:
1. Battle of the Brains is now a subforum of The Renegade Inn
2. Re-read and corrected all groups and permission masks, this could lead to some people missing features they had before
3. Created "The Basement" for STX Tech support
4. Created "Arkham Asylum" to deal with evil members, everybody read this

  Network Add-Ons
Posted by: Renegade - 04.03.2006, 20:52:53 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (1)

This is Version II of this post, updated on March 5th, 9:24 PM.

Interesting for STX Hostees and Rock Patch-users, I have added four new services to the network:

File Fortress
A central download-site for all files downloadable from anywhere on the network. pd's Rock Patch, for example, is already there.

Operation Bughouse
Named after the Mobile Infantry's assault on Klendathu, home planet of the Bugs, this is the place where we, the civilians Wink fight our own, personal bugs - a bugtracker, similar to systems like BugZilla. As with the File Fortress, pd is already there.

Visual Propaganda
Since I'll need a new gallery for TD anyway and was sick of using ModDB's, I installed a Coppermine one. All of you can register and upload images, and, once again, pd is already there.

Long promised, now finally here - DCoder's News System allows all hostees (and other network sites) to gather their news directly from the forums, rendering external, third-party news-scripts obsolete and integrating the site directly into the community. News distribution and webbing as follows:
Renegade Projects - Broadcasts all network news from all sources (That is, RenProj Main, STX Main, STX All Hostee, TD, ModEnc, Community Announcements and my personal site's news)
Strategy X - Broadcasts RenProj Main News, STX Main News, All Hostee News
STX Hostees - Broadcast STX Main News, Hostee News
Total Destruction - Broadcasts RenProj Main News, TD News
As usual, pd is already there.

All hostees (the few left), contact me to talk about your downloading, bugreporting, gallery and news-integration needs ASAP.

The rest of you, note that all bugs, especially TD and Rock Patch-related, are to be reported through the Bughouse from now on.

  Cleanse Purge Kill
Posted by: Renegade - 17.02.2006, 21:11:14 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (2)

Just realized that half of our registered users are zero-post-corpses.
Friday the 24th I'll purge all 0-posters from the database.
Just so you know.

  I am the Ren thy Admin
Posted by: Renegade - 11.02.2006, 17:43:08 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (1)

After recent close encounters of the n00b kind, I finally compiled a set of forum rules to be adhered by everyone.

Know them. Live by them. At best, pray them before you go to bed. Big Grin

No, seriously now: I'm usually not that much of a rules person, and as such you'll find them not as restrictive as, for example, the DGNF rules. They're just there so if we have to discipline someone, he can't say nobody told him X was forbidden.

The rules can be accessed globally through the link in the upper left corner.

  Brotherhood. Unity. EA?
Posted by: Renegade - 22.01.2006, 20:58:27 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (4)

As I am away from monday to friday, I have made it a habit over the last few months to at least browse Planet CnC and PPM once at weekends, to stay more or less up to date with what happens in the community.

Half an hour ago, through PPM's news, I was directed to several EA-related articles and Aaron Kaufman's consecutive reply to them. To cut it short, the crap I had to read of him installed an undefeatable urge to voice my opinion in me, and since I have the right tools at hand, why not do it? (The issue I am relating to is pretty well summed up in the first two posts here.)

Basically, what ticked me off was Aaron's hypocritical attitude along the lines of "Don't you see how much we do for the community. You're really not helping here!"

Hey Kaufman. FUCK YOU.

Let's take a look at one of the paragraphs:

EA Apoc Wrote:I've spent the past year working relentlessly on both communities. I got this community two Zero Hour patches, an exclusive portal thru XWIS to have a community safe haven to play the old Westwood games online, community leader support to celebrate the 10th anniversay, and overall, as much interaction with the C&C community leaders as possible. It is not an easy task and managing my e-mail box is an even bigger challenge.
Hey, newsflash: The community is a little older than one year!
Let's see what your great gifts are:
-Two Zero Hour patches: So, you were the ones to fuck up the game in the first place, making patches necessary, and you actually made sure this sorry excuse for a mis-branded RTS lasts a little longer. And you want us to be happy about it?
-XWIS: Yeah! Right! You got us XWIS! MY ASS. EA were ones leaving WOL as a dead pile of shit, and all you did was the same you did to get a map editor: Wait until the community solves the problem and then take over. All you and EA did was point servserv.westwood.com to a different IP, and add serial number recognition to the server. Oh what great effort you put into us.
-"community leader support to celebrate the 10th anniversay": In other words: You abused the larger sites as a marketing vehicle for the greatest hits album. Yeah, I can see your community support in that.

Oh, and last but not least, my favorite statement: "as much interaction with the C&C community leaders as possible". Uh-huh. Would you kindly tell me what exactly a person qualifies as a "community leader"? I sure as hell don't remember an election around here, and I sure as hell don't see a C&C embassy in EALAnd, either. Truth is: You bought the webmasters with enough following to help your cause. Nothing else.

You also mention how "C&C:TFD is something many many fans are looking forward to."
Interesting. I have yet to meet one of them. What, again, was The First Decade? All the games I have already in a new box, with the C&C's mercilessly thrown together with the retarded eye candy?
You boasted about how you got "us" (really: The Fellowship of the Fakes) two Zero Hour patches, and how it shows your dedication. If that's you serving the community, then explain why I have to buy a bunch of useless games, just to get XP-patched versions of the masterpieces.
And explain why you love the community enough to get those ZH patches, and enough to patch the old stuff for XP, but hate us, the dedicated following of the real line of C&C RTSs that much, that you ignore our desperate tries to patch this game ourselves with our limited possibilities, and just put in plain, old RA2/YR again? Where is your love there?

[Insert several unfinished lines of thought here]

Now, let's look at the object of interest.
What we have:
INI Guide / ModEnc
XCC Tools
SHP Editors
Voxel Editors
3dsmax plugins
Final Alert /2
Rock Patch
Terrain Expansion
Modding Tutorials
Community Forums
Community News Sites
etc., etc.

Now, tell me, Aaron Kaufman: Where is EA's hand in that picture? There is nothing in it created by EA. Nothing. As mentioned, you took up FA and XWIS after you saw that you could "give" the community what it wanted for cheap by getting involved, but fact is, your contribution is close to nothing. Fact is, Final Alert's developement has grinded to a halt ever since "you" released FA2. One act of defiance with the unofficial patch, and that's it. Thanks a lot, EA. You really helped us there.

And now, after this entire community rose and fell without EA's help, now you come. Send packages. Suck up to the last few surviving webmasters. Tell us how EA loves us. The interesting question is...why?

Wild guess: Marketing reasons. Face it, people: There are two key factors in computer game marketing: Gaming magazines, and communities. No doubt EA has enough financial power to ensure good ratings in the magazines, but in order to get people to buy rather than to burn, they need us. People who have been with the series for long enough to support it by buying, and who are enthusiastic enough about the game to convince their friends to get it.
Now, honestly: Can you imagine the standard YR modder telling a friend "Yeah, that's the new Electronic Arts RTS. It's soooo cool dude, you definately have to get it!". No. And you know why? Because a) EA RTS's aren't "cool". They're either the same thing phrased differently (Engine + C&C-Sticker == Generals, Engine + LotR License == BfME, BfME + Patches == BfME2), or just a plain insult to the community (YR to a small extend, Generals in all it's glory).

Now imagine what a marketing departement would do to you if you told them that all their fancy C&C and LotR licenses were useless, because the community hates them. Hating people don't buy. They sail the seven seas, perhaps, but they don't leave money on your dresser.
They tell you to fix it. FAST.
So you go out all Mastermind ("Let's make some friends!") and tell the people what they want to hear - "We love you! We support you!", while, like Napoleon in Animal Farm, you just use other people's ideas and save support through cheap gifts.


I could sure expand this post by another ten paragraphs, but in about an hour, I have to leave again - army calls ?_?
So, I guess you get the basic idea. Make up your mind people. When EA does things "for" us, always ask yourself one thing: What are they getting out of it? That may sound paranoid and hostile, but truth is: If they loved us that much, they wouldn't have completely ignored us for years.

Zero Hour patches - gift of love or bugfixes that shouldn't be necessary in the first place?
XWIS support - attempt to save online play or cheap way to give the community what it wants and impose serial checks and corporate control on them?
The First Decade - their way of showing their love to the series, or just a best of album while we're still waiting for Tiberian Twilight?

A box of merchandising is peanuts for EA. Don't let 30 mousepads make you forget the past few years.