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  Request for news post: Strategy X offering free hosting with domain twmods.com
Posted by: Renegade - 12.10.2007, 20:02:04 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - No Replies

This was sent as an e-mail to several larger community sites. Please propagate it on C&C news websites, in order to reach the largest possible audience.

Hello there, community. My name is Renegade, and I'm the Head Administrator of Strategy X.

December last year, in anticipation of Tiberium Wars' release, I secured twmods.com as a tld for future hostees' C&C3 mods. As that practically means that I have no use for the root domain itself, I am hereby publically offering free hosting and reign over twmods.com to whoever is willing to do something big and useful with it.

The original plan was to have it be a modding resource and mod review site, but I have no desire to interfere with the management of the site - for all I care, it could be about tiberium mutants' piercings or a flash Kane dress-up doll.

The hosting offer is basically the same we offer to anyone, just with a freely usable tld on top: Unlimited traffic/space, php, mysql, cgi and all that. In return, we ask that the network bar stays at the top, and that the network forums/news system is being used. That's all. Check the hosting and TOS pages on strategy-x.com for details.

Currently, the site is already set up with a content management system, designed and connected to the news forum - it's just lacking the necessary 5 hours of hacking to make it bearable in Internet Explorer. A webmaster not interested in IE optimization could therefore immediately start doing whatever he wants to do, but, as I said, I have no interest in interfering anywhere - if the new webmaster wants to wipe it all and redesign everything, that's fine by me.

I'd like the site's language to be English, purely for size-of-audience reasons, but alternatively, German is fine as well.

If you have any questions regarding this offer, or want to apply for the position, contact me in one of the following ways:

  • E-Mail: Renegade@Strategy-X.com
  • ICQ: 126968149
  • Forum-PM: http://forums.renegadeprojects.com
  • Or forum-thread: [that'd be this one, silly]
  • IRC: irc.gamernet.org, channel #RenProj (this method is preferred - should I be away, you can talk to DCoder instead)
For live communication, I'm in CEST, GMT+1, and usually on from around 14:00 to 04:00. (Yes, I have a fucked up sleep cycle Tongue)

Thank you for your attention, and I hope one of you is interested
Head Administrator of Strategy X

  Attention: DeeZire.net apparently hacked
Posted by: DCoder - 21.09.2007, 15:58:59 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (4)

Attention: It seems the deezire.net theme has been hacked and repetitive links to malicious javascript have been placed in the copyright message. A vulnerability in PHP-Nuke appears to be the culprit.

Do NOT visit DeeZire.net without activating NoScript or disabling javascript.

Update, 2007 December 08th: DeeZire.net has finally migrated to vBulletin and cleared off the malware.

  Forums updated
Posted by: DCoder - 10.07.2007, 16:09:51 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (1)

I've updated MyBB to the latest version. It's mostly bug fixes and visuals, let me know if something has gone wrong.

  Scheduled Downtime
Posted by: Renegade - 08.05.2007, 22:58:30 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - No Replies

Just so everybody knows, somewhere in the time between 09.05.07 23:00h and 10.05.07 09:00h, the server will be down for a short time due to a software update by the host.

So, no reason to panic if you suddenly can't access the server tomorrow night.

  Tonight's server problems
Posted by: Renegade - 03.01.2007, 17:00:36 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - No Replies

Looks like somebody felt the urge to use our mail server to send spam via bounce messages - the server was overwhelmed by the load and said good night.

Support rebooted the machine, I fixed the bounce setting, there should be no further problems.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  About the downtime
Posted by: Renegade - 04.12.2006, 13:57:24 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - No Replies

Just to not leave you in the dark about the reasons for our downtime:
Saturday night, the control panels necessary to control our VPS and the virtual hosts on it had been unreachable for several hours. After having restarted the process several times, and waiting for quite some time, I decided to directly reboot the entire VPS through SSH. The Server went down as planned.

It never came back up.

I waited for twenty minutes, to be sure it wasn't just slow. Then I was on the phone with Host Europe, our host. Want a rendition of that talk?

Ren: My VPS doesn't talk to me anymore Unhappy Could you, like, nudge it a little?
Support-Guy: Nope, sorry, can't reboot a single VPS. Only the whole server.²
Ren: Really? No chance?
Support-Guy: No. It responds to ping, though.
Ren: Well, yeah, but nothing else works.
Support-Guy: Hmm, yeah. Seems to have a problem. You should file a request for support, and somebody will look at it on Monday.
Ren: Wtf (disbelieving)
Ren: Okay then, well...thank you. Blah

I filed said request immediately, and obviously somebody did look at it...on Monday. But that's not even the worst thing. Worse is, now, after 24h+ downtime, they tell me, in their "Your VPS is back online" mail, that the control panel problem was due to a problem with the host system, and a reboot would've fixed nothing. Dead

Thanks a lot, Host Europe. Great support. Rolling eyes

Anyway, since no data was affected, there should be no problems anywhere. If there is, talk me up, I'll have a look at it - and I promise to be fast than HE. Tongue

Sorry if this little episode caused inconveniences for anybody.

² Honestly, I think that's bullshit. But what could I do?

  RE: Forum Software upgrade
Posted by: Renegade - 05.10.2006, 01:52:56 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (10)

How are you, gentlemen !!
All your posts are belong to...MyBB 1.2.x!

For those who didn't notice yet, I just upgraded the forums software to the latest version, and, with that, to a new development branch. Below are some of the more important advantages and changes this upgrade brings us:

MyBB 1.2 Release Announcement Wrote:AJAX
It's been requested many, many times and we kept saying "Hold your horses! It's coming!"

MyBB now makes use of the javascript XMLHttp extensions. Included AJAX based functionality includes auto completion and suggestion of usernames whilst composing private messaging, inline thread subject editing and inline post message editing.

Improved RSS and syndication support
We realise that content syndication is a very important technology and we've greatly improved support for it in MyBB. Feeds can now be served as Atom feeds, all data is properly sanitized and validated before being used in feeds and we've also designed a class which can generate an RSS feed from any data you pass to it as well as a class that can parse RSS feeds and return an array of information from them.

New reputation system
The old reputation system in MyBB had some serious flaws (it was very easily abused, votes could not be edited or deleted without diving directly in to MySQL). The folks over at the Messenger Plus! Community Forums addressed this by cleverly designing a reputation system similar to the feedback system of eBay. A similar modification was also written for MyBB called the "Alternative Reputation System" by Smethead (Who I'm very sad to hear is leaving the modifications community). Our new reputation system is based around the ideas and implementations of those two wonderful additions made to MyBB.

You can now only give a reputation to a user once but you can in the future edit or update your reputation of that user. Reputations are also publicly displayed (limits abuse) and can be deleted by administrators.

A popular feature on other competitors applications is the ability to select multiple posts to be quoted and then on the "New Reply" page, have them loaded automatically in to the message area. We've implemented this in to MyBB - we find it extremely useful and hopefully you do too.

You can also cross quote replies from other threads and then have them loaded in to the message area using AJAX by clicking on a link which states there are external quoted posts.

Full-text searching (and search improvements)
If your database server supports full-text searching in boolean mode then you can switch over to using this amazing functionality which allows users to create complex search queries (along the lines of '"mybb rocks"' or 'example or tester' - and even more amazing). The database server handles the searching and quickly returns sets of results.

Search functionality has also improved overall. Results are now cached after the initial search which means browsing results is now much more efficient.

Improved CAPTCHA images
The CAPTCHA images used when registering have also been improved. They now support slanted and randomly positioned text, random TTF font selection and random characters and symbols in the background.

The same system has also been implemented when guests attempt to make a new post or reply to ensure they're not automated systems (bots)
These updates save us, directly from before to now, already two plugins I'd have to reinstall: The Alternate Reputation System and the Newsfeed Headers. Unfortunately, moving to a completely new development branch (1.2.x, instead of 1.1.x) means all other plugins, as well as the templates and themes, are incompatible with our current version. It'll take some time until we get updated versions. However, since the primary usage-related plugins (said AWS and RSS ones) are superfluous by now, general usage of the board is not affected by that. It just looks very...default.

If any problems arise through this upgrade, or if you have any questions or comments, please reply here.
And don't forget to share some reputational opinions - due to the new "stateless" system, all records are clear at the moment. Wink

Edit: I just used this opportunity to re-label the mod-related profile fields to more ambiguous "project" related fields, so be sure to update them if you used them before (since I'll re-include them in the template soon).
Oh, and this inline editing thing is way cool. Big Grin

Edit 2: More news from the frontlines: I just added a new MyCode tag: [ modenc ] (to be used without the spaces);
[modenc]What the fuck[/modenc]
turns into What the fuck, a link to a page of that name on ModEnc opening in a new window.
I have also added a new profile field: IRC nick. If all works out as planned, this'll show your online/offlineness on GamerNET IRC, where #RenProj is situated.

Edit 3: Oh, kids, stop me - I'm having too much fun.
[thread=445]this very thread[/thread]
will generate a link to this very thread Wink
The number inside the MyCode is any thread number here, the code between the tags is a description of your choice.

Edit 4: One more time:
[bug=27]some bug in the bugtracker[/bug]
Will link to some bug in the bugtracker. Number is of course any valid bug number, sans the prefixed zeros.

Edit 5: I just reset all accounts to "Use default theme", since there are only the MyBB Default Theme, and the just re-created Renegade Projects New Bright, which is the actual default theme for now. Red Theme of Death will not be re-created at this point in time, Whiteboy's Rules' skin will follow in due time (theme editing is annoying).

Edit 6: Behold! ...my AJAX powered RSS feed ticker, bringing you ModEnc's recent changes and the last 25 issues updated in the bug tracker!

  RE: Mail server
Posted by: Renegade - 28.09.2006, 02:40:00 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - No Replies

Just as accidently as I killed it some time ago, I just fixed the mail server. Since it was accidently both times, I have no idea what was wrong. Lift eyebrow

Either way, all Renegade Projects mail, including all STX mail, should be back working, meaning I am, once again, reachable through RenegadeAtRenegadeProjects.com, RenegadeAtStrategy-X.com and RenegadeAtDestructionMod.com.

Hostees see note in the basement.

  To the Red Theme of Death fleeing heretics
Posted by: Renegade - 01.09.2006, 05:44:14 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (1)

We've got a new default theme on the forums. Now quit bitchin' already and bow to the meaning of "default".

Or else.

  Cleanse, Purge, Kill
Posted by: Renegade - 21.08.2006, 05:15:59 - Forum: Propaganda Tower - Replies (1)

We currently have 64 users with a post count of 0 in our database.

On Wednesday, everybody with a post count of 0 will be purged from the DB, save for some selected protected individuals.
Afterwards, a DB backup will be done, making sure the accounts are really gone.

If you want to keep your nick, start posting. Otherwise, we'll set it free.

Update: 58 Users have successfully been purged, 5 have been protected, 1 saved himself.