Bug: Setup allows you to deselect everything (including the base marked as "required") and continues installation, even asking you if you want to run Launch Base now. Doesn't create a folder or anything, though.
Problem: No one is gonna read the large-ass disclaimer at the beginning. Trimming it down to key points for the stupid is advisable.
Problem: Downloading/updating something (Playlist manager in my case) and then cancelling the second setup does not remove or mark the now-useless setup.
Problem: Now Launch Base is gone after doing that...wtf?
Bug: Playlist manager turns up in menu even though setup was cancelled - trying to run it results in Run-time error '53': File not found. Clicking OK on the message box closes Launch Base with no further warning or message.
Problem: There is no obvious uninstall button.
Problem: Was asked twice if I wanted to deinstall, only to get the message that uninstall was not successful, there are reisidual files.
Problem: After doing right-click -> uninstall, I can now do right-click -> delete.
Problem: Playlist manager is not in the list of available tools anymore, and I have no idea how to get it back.
Bug: Playlist manager is still in the tools menu, though. (The folder is gone from /mods/, I assume that's the result of delete.)
Bug: Doing "check for updates" after all this results in "Internal Error: YR Launch Base has encountered a problem and needs to close. Path not found." (I assume it's checking for updates of Playlist manager, which is physically gone by now.) Clicking OK obviously closes LB.
Restarted Launch Base. Playlist Manager is not under Tools anymore, but not in the list of available tools, either. Check for updates works, but doesn't show playlist manager as before. That leads to the assumption that, to get playlist manager back in the lists, I'd have to install it outside of LB, somehow. No idea how, though. Could check the documentation, but I'm doing this from an average user's point of view, and can't be arsed. Not to mention it should at least be semi-obvious to be usable.
Clicked to uninstall Map packs, was asked if I wanted to do that twice, again. (Answered no.)
Problem/possible Bug: Livelog gives bogus output when checking for updates is cancelled - reports completed/no. of available updates even though the window was closed before the update was performed (might be a background logic/GUI update mismatch, iow maybe it did update, and I just closed it before it displayed that).
Tweak: On opening help, LB's menu gets grayed out as if the box was opened modal - inspection shows this is not the case, LB can be used as normal.
Bug: With opened help in background, the OK button on the disclaimer box is useless -> the box doesn't close. X button works. Closing help while disclaimer is open does not change this.
Follow-up: Even if help is not re-opened, the button stays broken.
Restarting LB.
Follow-up: Disclaimer OK works.
Opening help. Accidently opened about first, then disclaimer, now disclaimer OK button works even with help open.
Tweak: FA2 checkbox for terrain expansion integration looks like it's usable, but it isn't.
Uninstalling LB Creator. Am being told the folder could not be removed, residual files. (Uninstall title is always "Name Uninstall: Uninstalling", btw.)
Problem: LB Creator is still in the tools list, even though it's uninstalled. That may be as wanted, but it's counterintuitive. (Same for Playlist manager earlier.)
LB Mod creator folders are empty, deleting them through explorer. Doing right-click -> delete.
"Error while deleting file or folder - File cannot be deleted: The source file or the source medium cannot be read."
OK does not close LB (it's a shell/explorer error, I think).
Problem: LB Creator is gone from the list, but its description is still being shown on the right. Tabbing away and back to tools does not change this.
Bug/reproduced: Doing check for updates results in path not found IE on "Checking for updates to DELETED", as before. Clicking OK closes LB, as advertised.
Creating bogus folders in /mods/.
Restarting LB.
Bug: Right tab at tools is empty, but shows a "Parameters" edit field. Edit fields has no bounds limitation

. Hitting enter after entering a few hundred random chars results in Run-time error '381': Invalid property array index. Hitting OK closes LB.
Tweak: "Parameters" caption is in black on dark background, as opposed to the other, useless captions.
Bug/related: Focussing the tools edit field and then tabbing away from tabs returns the same error, no matter if/what/how much was entered.
Bug: FA2 Folder selection edit field can be edited directly, but inputting a non-path (even a full path ending in a file name) results in Run-time error '52': Bad file name or number. OK -> Close.
Created launcher/liblist.gam in bogus mod directory, with purposefully broken update url. Check for updates with no restart now shows YR Launch Base 0.99.0001 as available, updating that.
Bug: Clicked update, it downloaded, tried to execute: "Either Launch base itself or another installer is already running." LB was closed.
Got a new setup in my folder. Redesignating bogus mod as "plugin", since "mod" didn't make it appear, executing new setup.
Bug/related: Empty setup still possible, but now launches existing version.
Mod Creator and playlist manager are back.
Plugins shows "Penis Master Mod!", so I guess ModType=mod is just invalid.
Bug: Can do "uninstall tool" for both playlist manager and LB Creator, but according to check for updates, they're not installed.
Bug: Suddenly, all folders in the RA2 hierarchy are read-only?! (Wasn't me, wasn't before, so it must be related to LB's activities.)
Bug: Doing "remove plugin" still removes Penis Master Mod from the list, even though I got an "access denied, make sure file is not in use or read-only" error, and the folder is still there.
Closed LB, tried to give read/write access via properties, restarted LB.
Penis Master Mod is back in the list.
Entire tree (Launch Base and all children) is read-only again, no success removing.
Bug/reproduced: According to LB, I just successfully removed playlist manager (still residual files), but it's still in the list, even after tabbing back.
Playlist manager folder could be deleted without problems, furthering my believe the access problems are LB related.
Bug/reproduced: Checking for updates after removing playlist manager
again crashes LB.
I'm done for now. Attached is LaunchBase.log, except.txt seems to replace itself on crash, the current entry is
Internal Error
Date: 2007-09-24 22:19:05
Error: 76
Description: Path not found
Subroutine: CheckForUpdates
a previous one was the same, but with an earlier time.
Sorry for the long and stream-of-conscious way this was done, but that was easier than explaining each test scenario from ground up.
Keep in mind that this was not the only stuff I did, I skipped everything that worked.
On a last note, the mod catalogue without an install button is really stupid. You sit there, open it, see all the mods you could have, and think "okay.....and now what? how do I get them?".
Also, the missing remove buttons a very counter-intuitive.
Edit: Just for clarification, I do know all folders in XP are marked "read-only" without it being true or adhered to by XP - but I did not set anything special, and,
according to M$, I should be able to delete the folder exactly
because Windows ignores this attribute. Yet, I only can delete the folders previously "deleted" in LB. Something is weird with the permissions there, probably a file lock thing or something - something like an earlier instance of LB took ownership of the files and folders, and never released it due to being crashed. Or something.