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I stated almost a month ago I had been working on creating new tile pieces and I was going to post up a video running around 4 maps to show off my new pieces. Well, because of some unknown reason the maps were crashing apon loading. Even though I had to remake a few pieces I still received an error. So my next plan was to remake all my maps, which at the current time I am doing and so far no errors. Hopefully I can keep my schedule and post up new urban and temp setting tiles by the end of the year.
Once again if some one has pieces that they would like to have posted for the community and have me throw in to my new mix file let me know. Post some screen shots up so people can see them.
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Has it ever occurred to you that narrowing down the source of the crash would be vastly more efficient than just redoing everything and hoping you don't reintroduce something that could be caused by anything?
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!
(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
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07.12.2009, 21:16:21
(This post was last modified: 07.12.2009, 21:18:36 by Nikademis Von Hisson.)
I know what was causing the crash...It was a piece that I created. If you look at my post called Error with Rockpatch, I have the urban ini file plus 2 pieces that were causing the crash. It revolves around recoloring the pieces using the TMP Studio/Editor. DCoder said if he had time he would look at my pieces and see if he could figure something out, but he is busy, so I figured to re start from scratch and move forward.
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Yes, I've seen that thread...but why does that require remaking all your maps? Just fix your tile? Or just replace those tiles on the map?
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!
(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
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I have 14 maps so far for my campaign and 8 of them crash during loading even with fixed pieces. I also have 4 Muli player maps that crash with fixed pieces. This problem is new and has nothing to do with the patch. 2 of my computers are running RP and the other 1 is running NP and both have issues. If I play original game maps it runs fine. It ran great for 6 months and now a problem. So back to the drawing board I go.
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Have you tried with vanilla YR to ensure it is not a patch issue? Have you tried creating a copy of the map and deleting any/all trigger and team related stuff as well as all placed units to ensure one of them isn't crashing the maps? You need to apply a far more scientific process to your troubleshooting or you will constantly be starting over whenever you encounter a problem because your current techniques will be insufficient to narrow it down enough to resolve it. You might also want to consider starting to save revisions so if an error crops up, you can start reverting things back to earlier versions until the problem goes away again. As an extreme, if you keep running into problems like this, you may need to start writing a journal of what changes you have made so you can roll them back. Labour intensive perhaps, but less so than constantly having to restart and thus making little actual progress.
Another point just occurred to me, why are you using a patch at all when you are editing the terrain, you don't need any patch feature for that. You should develop as much as possible in isolation from the patches to ensure they aren't introducing new errors.
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I know it has nothing to do with the patch because I get the same error with either Rock Patch or NPatch, but that is irrelevant. This is how I go about making a map. First I create the terrain, then I run the map, for either SPM or MP. If the map runs fine then I place triggers on it and add buildings. Normally I start map, run it then go back to adding stuff and repeat that process until done. When I add things its 3 things tops so I can, as you pointed out Blade, keep track of any errors.
But this latest problem had nothing to do with triggers. I know this because I discovered the errors on mulit player maps I was testing some of my pieces on. I think I figured out my problem. I remade several pieces and went to add them to my mix file. When I attempted to save the mix file all offsets were 0 when they should have been represented by a number. I thought maybe the mix file got corrupted some how and when I created a new file all pieces had numbers. I ran the map again and its works. Has anyone else ever had an issue with a mix file being the problem?
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You mean other than hundreds of modders before you?
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!
(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
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Well, I never seen posts talking about that before. If I had maybe I would have thought about it and started from there. In any case when I get an except error I make notes in txt file what I did to cause error code so I know for the future.
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You know what, I'm not gonna argue about this.
If it's honestly an absolutely surprising and foreign concept to you that, if newly introduced files cause problems, it might be a smart idea to check if they are corrupted, you're not gonna come far anyway.
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!
(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
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(08.12.2009, 08:37:56)Renegade Wrote: You know what, I'm not gonna argue about this.
If it's honestly an absolutely surprising and foreign concept to you that, if newly introduced files cause problems, it might be a smart idea to check if they are corrupted, you're not gonna come far anyway.
I am not trying to argue anything. How can I check to see if they are corrupt? What tool do I use?
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All Ren's saying is that you could determine what files are causing the problem and remake those instead of remaking everything.
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I know what is causing my error. What I don't understand is why. And when I say why, it is because for 6 months they worked fine and now all of a sudden I get an error. I have been remaking the pieces and the maps. I have decided to go back to Rock Patch and scrap using NPatch.
If you know your tile hasn't changed then that means that something else did change.
Try it on vanilla YR (unmodded) without ANY patches at all. Don't say that you know the patches aren't to blame - it isn't relevant. Try it without patches or any other modifications anyway.
Create a plain map without anything special/modified and test that the map works okay.
Then add the code/SHP for your 1 tile, DON'T add it to the map yet though, and try again. Everything still okay? Now add your tile to the map. Just add 1 of your tile and nothing else. Try again.
If everything is okay, then reintroduce whatever patch you want and try again.
Until you have done all of that and posted your results, no-one can really help.
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13.12.2009, 03:38:43
(This post was last modified: 13.12.2009, 03:45:45 by Nikademis Von Hisson.)
Hello McFly (Guest) obivously you didn't see that Blade point that out. And my post about the way I do make my maps, using the regular pieces first then using my pieces. I know there is a problem my piece but the error messgage (Except Error 00544c4  is not listed. If the error message code was posted it could give me a clue on why. I seem to have all problems fixes except my new on ramps. And as a suggestion from Blade I am using vanilla Yuri for my creations.
I take every piece of advice given and look at it how it affects my work. I probably won't respond to any more of my posts until I figure out what the heck is my problem.