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Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>

No wonder it's not working.

It's called the "Subnet", btw.
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
I think it's "ipconfig" in WinXP, if you're meaning that...
Well to get back to our original topic...

In my RadBeams tutorial, it's said that the game uses the tag UsesSpecialColor= .

That's wrong! Leave the second 's'!
It's called UseSpecialColor=!

Thanks larkone noticing this.

BTW, I updated all the tutorials, which are now online HTML pages... I really dunno why I put TXTs into RAR archives, but that time is over LOL
[Image: jsfml.png]
BaseUnit= is a bitch...

we compaired the function in RA2 and YR, and although there are differences, none of them would explain a change from 2 to 3, just more optimised code. PD did find out that something seems to overite base units after 3. so he hacked the game to move the array somewhere else, and that only broke the game... seems like theres something else that uses the data aswell. its just finding it...

so, as before, forgetting base units for now, and moving on to something else. don't worry, he's written down exactly what he did so he can come back to it, but its going to require a bit of extra research.
Couldn't we look at the difference between VehicleType vs. VehicleType and AircraftType vs. AircraftType for a change? Wink
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
Or maybe some new art sequences, like...
FireUpSecondary= ;need for visible projectiles
FireProneSecondary= ;this too
WetAttackSecondary= ; same deal, but for the amphib guys
WetUp= ;ever notice how SEALs go prone in the water?
WetDown= ;the flip side of above
WetPanic= ;this lack means Fraidycat= units can't swim
WetCheer= ;to be complete about it

Related stuff, this is new code for the units themselves -
C-GEN: The site with the 'log the f*ck in' forum. And now we make you validate your f*cking e-mail address too.
CannisRules: It's a YR mod.
i don't get what relavance that had. it wouldn't fix the 100 units bug, since its in both versions, and i don't see why it would help with baseunit, but i supose its worth a look. only i don't know what I'm looking at...

its a nice idea to add to the wish list.
imo, do what i did, add a wish like "Add new art sequences for infantry" and add a see here for details link to a file or something. although, if you keep it short, you might be allowed to put the whole thing there.

don't forget it would need third weapon if that was added, and looking at the wish list, its probably going to be looked into soon.
I was hinting at Air-to-Air-Combat...Wink
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
ah, hmm, so aircraft can act more like vehicle type and shoot at each other when in range.
To compare things, I need to know where they are, and neither I know where VehicleType attack is nor where AircraftType attack is. Shift eyes

To prevent people from asking me what I'm working on: currenty nothing.
I'm having a kindof break right now, for some reasons:

1) slightly bored of hacking (which is part of my character, I quickly get bored of things. After not doing them for a few days or weeks, I want to do them again, so don't be afraid Wink).

2) two test coming up in school, German and maths. So this week, definitely no hacking.

3) so I got some time trying out other stuff that isn't that important. Today for example, I tried out voxeling. Making my own graphics would make it possible to release RTB some time Wink

Kirk Ende.
[Image: jsfml.png]

PD is learning about YR, he doesn't seem to be patching anything, but he's told me he's learned a lot about WWs shortcuts in the past few days.

PD been doing some crazy things today!

Quite funny things...
I'm having a theory and wanted to prove it...
well, the theory is:

All unit types - meaning vehicles, infantry, aircraft and buildings - are the same class.

Buildings actually have Locomotor, Speed etc.
What shows this again? The laziness of WW!

What I tested to prove that:
AnimToInfantry=BRUTE,TESLA ;yeah, the Tesla Coil

Results: the game creates an infantry with the ID TESLA.
As there is no infantry with called TESLA, we should expect an IE or something similar.
But: We got an invisible, chronoshifting unit with the Tesla Coil's weapon, strength etc!

That means that both infantry and buildings are stored in the same array after all, and share the same class.

Then, I gave the Tesla Coil Image=SHK, which means I give it the Tesla Trooper's graphic and Sequence, but leaving it in the [BuildingTypes] list.
When the "Tesla Coil" is created by the mutation anim, it shows the correct SHP frames. Giving it Speed and a Locomotor even allows it to move.
BUT: When I build a Tesla Coil as a building, it cannot move.

Second test.
Using the knowledge gained from test 1, I tried to break the 100 unit limit by just adding a vehicle to the [BuildingTypes] list.
As you can imagine, it didn't work, unfortunately.

Then I made another test out of #2, adding MTNK (Grizzly Tank) to both VehicleTypes and BuildingTypes, which worked properly.
So I could make a unit infantry, building, aircraft and vehicle at the same time...

Those aren't really useful finds, but they're cool Big Grin

You see, I'm not doing any patching currently, because I'm just not in the mood to...
Anyway I'm finding out some interesting stuff which may help me making hacks in the future.
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PaD Wrote:I could make a unit infantry, building, aircraft and vehicle at the same time...

You can do that normal too, i thought.
But, why a Grizzly Tank, is that the boss of the tanks?
The Ultimate War is begun!
B1E site
The Ultimate War
Both sites are Dutch

The Ultimate War is a mod where (nearly) every soldier and tank will be as a brutal one, and there's now an Eiffel Tesla Coil, and each side have 2 special soldiers or tanks, and 1 or more veteran things, so...prepare for the heaviest battle Tongue
I didn't do any patching.
I just did the tests with the "pure" game.

And as I just said, it's nothing great what I found.
It's just proven that it really works Tongue

The Grizzly Tank because it just came in my mind first.
[Image: jsfml.png]

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