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RockPatch 1.08 - Preview
the surprise was the bountylogic @ TheMan....

I couldn't track down the anim bug yet Unhappy
the only problem that is now left is that loaded savegames cause errors, but I might finally have an idea why...
[Image: jsfml.png]
I added new dialog for campaign select Smile
But there are some problems]
When you press start game button previous screen appear during a second
Buttons tabs animation work not very well
Also I fix "loop animation bug" thirdbutton.shp Smile

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ARM forever - x86 sucks!

I like what I'm seeing Wow
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
Now it looks better Smile

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ARM forever - x86 sucks!

But hey, where's the difficulty text? Tongue 2

Great work, there should be a few minor improvements:
- battlemd.ini fix (so it doesn't list all the campaigns, I got one)
- GUI:Another, well, change to GUI:CampaignList
- move the list and the slider up so it's more centered on the screen

as said, those are minor improvements, it's a pretty good job!

I looked more into saving/loading.
Since I missed this from the beginning on, it's a LOT to do to make this work again...
So I got two options, either I complete the lightning storm and implement CnCVK's new campaign list page and release 1.08, so it's finally out.
Or you have to be even more patient and wait for me having fixed the savegame problem (which could take a while, cause I'm still not 100%, just 90%, how to do it exactly, and besides it really is a bunch of work..).

Of course, I could also make that fix a kind of 1.08b so you could at least begin to implement new features. Besides, you can inform me about other bugs then so 1.08b fixes those as well.
[Image: jsfml.png]
"But hey, where's the difficulty text"
@PD in the top of page .... but it not have WS_VISIBLE style and not work (I forgot about it and remember after writing all code LOL )

About GUI:Another it is sample text
@PD You can move, size the list if you want to do itSmile
ARM forever - x86 sucks!

Get it out there would be my vote since its needed for TFD support and worry about fixing the save/load bug afterwards (since you seem to suggest its been there practically forever anyway). What is the bug anyhow?
first of all:
I got the new campaign list screen implemented.
As you said, CnCVK, the Difficulty display doesn't work, so I'll make it invisible.
Apparently, status texts (STT:...) don't work either, I'll look into them soon.

to Blade's reply:
the "bug" is that my custom data neither gets saved nor loaded.
So as soon as you use a new feature and save a game, the new stuff won't be saved.
So once the game gets loaded again, everything's messed.
That's why you don't get any errors if you save a game that does not use any RockPatch features.

There's a lot to save and load, can take me a while to code that...
[Image: jsfml.png]

I forgot difficulty to do Unhappy
pd Wrote:Apparently, status texts (STT:...) don't work either, I'll look into them soon.
When I test status text appeared normal Smile
About saving / loading: I has decided this problem already Smile
(Only for RadSite Class)
@PD You have correctly changed at 0065B3A0h from 74h to 78h Smile
PROC at 0065B3D0h is RadSite::Load
at 0065B431h you can see:
0065B431 add esi,24h
0065B434 push esi
0065B435 push offset lpSwizzleManagerClass
0065B43A call SwizzleManagerClass__Swizzle

I simple add:
lea eax, [esi+24h]
push eax
push offset lpSwizzleManagerClass
call SwizzleManagerClass__Swizzle
lea eax, [esi+74h]
push eax
push offset lpSwizzleManagerClass
call SwizzleManagerClass__Swizzle
ARM forever - x86 sucks!

I've corrected the size information of every class I edited (like the 74h to 78h), is that all I had to do for loading?

and yeah, about saving, that was what I figured, too Smile
it's not difficult to do, but a lot...

Oh btw, it's not just the classes that have to be saved, but temporary and global variables as well (though I might have figured how to do that already)
also, the immunity structs have to be saved somehow (byte array)
[Image: jsfml.png]
pd Wrote:first of all:
I got the new campaign list screen implemented.
As you said, CnCVK, the Difficulty display doesn't work, so I'll make it invisible.
Apparently, status texts (STT:...) don't work either, I'll look into them soon.

to Blade's reply:
the "bug" is that my custom data neither gets saved nor loaded.
So as soon as you use a new feature and save a game, the new stuff won't be saved.
So once the game gets loaded again, everything's messed.
That's why you don't get any errors if you save a game that does not use any RockPatch features.

There's a lot to save and load, can take me a while to code that...

Ahh, fair enough Smile While you are fixing all those things, can you make sure global values get saved as well. Global variables are supposed to be boolean values that are used for trigger events and actions like local variables are. Locals are only supposed to hold their value for the current mission while globals are supposed to hold over an entire campaign, but apparently they don't get saved. As a result, if you set one during a mission to affect something on a later mission (perhaps because you plan to have a second mission using features on the same map) then the effect only works if you didn't save and load during the intervening missions.
You must "Swizzle" your pointer using function at 006CF240h
when load
@PD However, I send to you GAMEMD.EXE back with working save ne  radiations  tags Smile
I like this word "Swizzle" Smile Swizzle! Swizzle! Swizzle! Swizzle it ! Swizzle it! Swizzle it! Swizzle it!
I test Global Variables work
And it WORK wihout any BUGS Bang head against wall
Probably, I can do it not correct
Test my two maps

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.zip (Size: 16 KB / Downloads: 440)
ARM forever - x86 sucks!

Quote:EMP doesn't get through an IronCurtain anymore

still one emp bug left, Cyborg=yes should be emp, are u gonna fix that in 1.08 or some later verison?
cyborgs use webby don't they?
and I didn't claim to having brought back the webby logic Tongue

it's infantry - it's different, probably nothing you will see in 1.08
[Image: jsfml.png]
I may be wrong but aren't cyborgs affected by both webbing and EMp. I specifically remember that EMP affects cyborgs but not sure about webbing.
[Image: sig.jpg]

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