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Launch Base Beta Test
Okay I'm working on an improved restore/uninstall system for user-generated content.

If the user activates a mod and then later simply renames the mod folder, LB will detect this the next time YR closes while LB is running, or if the mod is uninstalled.

If the user activates a mod and then later deletes the mod folder, LB will detect this and prompt to either delete the user-generated files or specify a directory to save them in (this will also A) refuse to put them in a different mod's folder and B) warn that save games may be overwritten if putting them in a mod folder whose mod name matches. If the mod name matches but the version doesn't then the save games will go to ...\saves\oldsaves

If the user activates a mod and then later upgrades the mod, LB will detect this for save games and automatically put them in ...\saves\oldsaves when the mod is uninstalled.

Remember that the 'uninstall' routine is called when installing a different mod.

Launch Base will also continue to copy-back any user-generated content every time the game closes just like it does now (unless the mod folder has been deleted in whichc case it will do nothing - only when the mod is uninstalled will this be dealt with)

Hopefully this will be implemented in a few days.
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Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
This is nearly done - I just need to test it. However there is something else I am thinking about implementing which could do with some input...

At the moment, whenever a mod is installed/uninstalled the 'game mode and map index' are reset (i.e. the selected game mode and map for Skirmish, Network and Internet games are set to the first ones in the list). This prevents AI players being left on the roster for non-AI game modes, prevents a game mode/map being selected that might not exist, and ensures that the selected map is compatible with the selected game mode.
However, this does assume that game mode 1 / map 0 are compatible for every mod.

What I am thinking about doing is remembering the selected game mode/map index for each mod. And also allowing authors to specify what the default game mode/map index are for first time launch.
The problem with this idea is that AI players could be left on the roster for non-AI modes.
Two options here: one would be to strip AI players from the roster but I can see that being annoying. The other would be to remember the roster for each mod too. If remembering the roster for each mod, then that leads me to wonder if the other settings (super weapons, short game, etc) should be remembered per mod too? However this is a lot of settings to save.

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Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
Especially the roster restore sounds necessary. If it isn't that complicated, you could save changes in
to a global file because it applies to all mods and save
to a seperate file for each mod, so all options will be saved. Is that possible?
[Image: osen2o7mpmm4jg1fs0.jpg]
Could do. Personally I think the following sections should be saved per mod:

and the rest should be left alone:
[MultiPlayer] - although I'm confused about this one because it saves GameMode=

The one I'm not sure about is [WonlinePref] - what reads/writes this section?

I'm really not sure how Internet game settings are saved/loaded. I tried to do some testing but since the move to XWIS I haven't been able to connect. Could somebody clarify this for me?

And what settings does everyone else think should be saved per mod / not per mod?
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
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Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
Launch Base
Version 0.99.0032 [2008-01-26]
Fixed bug where Campaign Speed Control Option would not be saved correctly.
Fixed bug where the 'Show mods for' option would not be saved correctly.
If you enter a bad FinalAlert 2 YR directory, Launch Base will advise if the directory does not contain FinalAlert 2 YR, does not exist, or is not a valid path.
Fixed many issues that could occur if a mod folder was deleted, renamed or updated whilst still active in the game.
Launch Base will now save and restore the game configuration (selected game mode, map index, player colour, AI players, etc) on a per-mod basis.
Updated help files.

Launch Base Mod Creator
Version 0.99.0011 [2008-01-26]
Can now specify default game mode and map index on Options tab.
Added 'Reset Game Configuration' checkbox to Installer tab (see help for details).
Fixed bug where clicking the 'X' of the About window would not unlock the main LBMC window.
Fixed bug where update-only installers would always generate patches even if 'Generate Patches' was turned off.
When overwriting an existing mod directory (that isn't the same mod as we are installing), installers will now completely delete that directory first. Warning messages have been updated appropriately.
Updated help files.
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
2008-01-27 09:48:31  Authenticating plugin: Terrain Expansion 2.02a
2008-01-27 09:48:41  Plugin failed to authenticate.
2008-01-27 09:50:24  Authenticating plugin: Official YR Map Packs (1-5)
2008-01-27 09:50:25  Plugin failed to authenticate.
Authentication does work for me... (WinXPSP2)
[Image: osen2o7mpmm4jg1fs0.jpg]
Electro, if you run Launch Base with the -verbose switch, do you get any more info in the log?
Also, have you made any changes to the plugins' directories?
What version of Windows are you using?
Were plugins authenticating prior to the recent update or is this the first time you've tried them?
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
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Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
1. Nothing.
2. No.
3. WinXP SP2
4. First time.
Albert Einstein Wrote:Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe.
I've uploaded version 0.99.0034 which includes an extra log entry.
Electro, please could you try again with the latest version, check the log file and see if it says "Failed to get MD5". If it doesn't, please could you list for me the contents of the Mods\yrmaps directory.
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
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Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
Strange behaviour: Help->Help Topics; Close LB; Close Help -> LB starts again. Is that a bug or a feature?
The updater doesn't recognise my RPMI update? oO - What did I wrong?
[Image: osen2o7mpmm4jg1fs0.jpg]
Gordon, your update check file is using the old format - check the help topics of the latest version of LBMC to see what the current format is.

Version 0.99.0035 [2008-02-03]
Fixed bug in Mod Catalogue where, if filters were changed so that the list was empty, the previously selected mod was still displayed. This would cause a crash if you tried to download that mod.
Fixed bug in Mod Catalogue where the progress bar wouldn't reach 100% if you already had one or more mods from the catalogue.
Fixed bug where closing Launch Base with the Help Topics window open wouldn't close Help Topics. This subsequently caused Launch Base to restart when the Help Topics were closed manually.

Version 0.99.0036 [2008-02-03]
Added ability for Tools to specify whether or not Launch Base should shut itself down before launching the program.
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
With the latest update, several Mods appear twice in the Mod Catalogue, my RPMI update doesn't "disappear" from the list after installing it - only the clone entry has gone. "Version installed" shows "n/a".
[Image: osen2o7mpmm4jg1fs0.jpg]
The RPMI Name= is different between the 1.3 liblist.gam file and the update check file. Nevertheless...
Version 0.99.0037 [2008-02-04]
Fixed bug in Mod Catalogue where a mod would show up as two separate entries (one update and one catalogue entry) if the author changed the mod's name. Mod Catalogue will now use a mod's update check url as an alternative matching criteria.

Btw gordon, you know you can tick the 'Close LB' option in the latest LBMC?
Also, the RPMI 1.3 date is 4th Feb 2006, is that right?
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
"Close LB" option works fine!
[Image: osen2o7mpmm4jg1fs0.jpg]

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