I found the problem I was having before with getting the game to read the new bridge ends, it was a typo in some code I cloned from existing westwood code (I was reading from [ecx+28] when I needed to read from [ecx+38]).
I have here a test build:
This test build contains:
1.The latest official PaD patch
2.The BaseUnits= fix from PaD (just because it ended up in there)
3.The taunt fix (new countries use tanut files of the form taunts\tau##^^.wav where ## is the country number and ^^ is the taunt number)
and 4.The new bridge code. Use the TrainBridgeSet keyword in the theater ini file (just like in Tiberian Sun). Anything that applies to replacing existing bridge ends (as was done in tests before) applies to the new bridge ends.
For the overlays, use the RAILBRDG1 and RAILBRDG2 overlays (i.e. the overlays that FinalAlert says have overlay data values of 3B and 3C).
I am looking for testing to be done to confirim the following:
1.That the taunt fix is actually working
2.That the new bridge logic is 100% complete and has no bugs. If anything happens (no matter how small) that is different between the new "train" bridge and the existing wooden and concrete bridges, I need to know right away. (with as many details as possible)
and 3.That shooting the new bridge, repairing with repair huts etc etc has absolutly no effect on the bridge whatsotever (if it has any effect, thats a bug right now since I didnt implement that code yet)
BTW, I will probobly implement destroying and repairing code next (but its a fairly large job)