20.08.2006, 16:26:15
Alright, it's been long time since the last Beta. Things have come along nicely though and progress now stands at 99.6% 
It is time to release what I intend to be the final Beta. YES, the FINAL Beta. This release will be damn close to the final one. I will log the changes I make after this Beta - there won't be too many changes I think.
As usual for WR, this Beta is private. People who wish to test should sign up here. All applicants will be put through an extremely vigorous army-style health check-up...naked. Okay, maybe not. But there may be some people I refuse - HOWEVER, it is my wish that this final Beta be palyed by as many people as possible.
The Beta is exactly 10MB. EXACTLY
You can find it in the Whiteboy's Rules Testing Lab forum. Passwords to access it will be PM'd to selected testers.
Now, here is the testing "mission" - these thigns need testing, but overall "casual testing" is important too.
1: Powers Divided modes - any of the modes in this section. Basically, are the changes to each country's stats balanced?
2: Survival mode - this will be the most interesting. It's a completely new mode, in the "Normal" section of the game modes list. Designed for online/LAN play only, since the AI just cannot understand this mode (unfixable for all I know). It is playable in skirmishmode for experimentation, but to test whether it is balanced or not - which is most important - there will need to be some online testing.
3: Campaign mode - just play it and see if it works and if it is enjoyable
I may assign small individual tasks to people, and not everyone has to test the three things mentioned above - but ultimately, they all need testing. I don't really care who does it - they just need to be done
Okay, let the signups begin!

It is time to release what I intend to be the final Beta. YES, the FINAL Beta. This release will be damn close to the final one. I will log the changes I make after this Beta - there won't be too many changes I think.
As usual for WR, this Beta is private. People who wish to test should sign up here. All applicants will be put through an extremely vigorous army-style health check-up...naked. Okay, maybe not. But there may be some people I refuse - HOWEVER, it is my wish that this final Beta be palyed by as many people as possible.
The Beta is exactly 10MB. EXACTLY

Now, here is the testing "mission" - these thigns need testing, but overall "casual testing" is important too.
1: Powers Divided modes - any of the modes in this section. Basically, are the changes to each country's stats balanced?
2: Survival mode - this will be the most interesting. It's a completely new mode, in the "Normal" section of the game modes list. Designed for online/LAN play only, since the AI just cannot understand this mode (unfixable for all I know). It is playable in skirmishmode for experimentation, but to test whether it is balanced or not - which is most important - there will need to be some online testing.
3: Campaign mode - just play it and see if it works and if it is enjoyable

I may assign small individual tasks to people, and not everyone has to test the three things mentioned above - but ultimately, they all need testing. I don't really care who does it - they just need to be done

Okay, let the signups begin!