08.02.2007, 14:20:48
and no, not skirmish, because that's allready way too easy.
Me and a friend have decided to tackle the RA2 campain on brutal, which should be fun, because it'll be....harder.
Note that this is without any modifications.
First i'll be doing Allied campain, then soviet. As soviets are the more difficult campaign i'll leave em for second.

The point of this topic? I decided to write down my progress
~~~AMISSION: 1~~~~
Tanya kicks the 4 dreadnaughts and becomes elite for the rest of the game, hah.
Then the statue goes down, oh noos! Watch out for romanov's rather sinister message. and by that i mean...well, whatever.
So tanya and the GI mob travel to the base picking up some powerups on the way, wonderful.
One base later and I have a chrono miner, but i won't need it.
But hey, why not build 10 attack dogs to escort Tanya to destroy the very easy-to-destroy Soviet base? Which is what I did for no real reason. Overkill is good kill
Or not.
So to start this mission of i accidently attract the unwanted attention of a rhino and my rockies kill it just before it kills Tanya >_> great way to start the mission.
Rocketeers slam the gun,tanya destroys the two flak cannons, and the rocketeers then go slay the rest of the sentries. Meanwhile the engineers grab the base. Hooray!
Then I churn out some miners (3) and before i even get 3 grizzlies i get attacked by something like 4 rhino's, which is annoying, lucky my 3 griz's and a few GI's kill them seperatly, and i lose all but one griz and some sections of wall, .......
At this point however they leave me alone, Harriers go miner hunting, and base produces Grizzlies. I build like ten and go attack, and manage to destroy a refinery and a lot of opposition, but my lacking micro left me on the retreat in the end, but i least i did some damage.
and from now on, it's build tanks, attack, retreat, rebuild, attack once more, and win
and yes im quite aware of the fact i could have used tanya to sneak in the back of the base and paradrop a lot of GI's (i think, maybe not due to brutal setting) but i didn't, i did it the hard way o_o
more coming later, i'm up to mission 5 tho
Me and a friend have decided to tackle the RA2 campain on brutal, which should be fun, because it'll be....harder.
Note that this is without any modifications.
First i'll be doing Allied campain, then soviet. As soviets are the more difficult campaign i'll leave em for second.

The point of this topic? I decided to write down my progress

~~~AMISSION: 1~~~~
Tanya kicks the 4 dreadnaughts and becomes elite for the rest of the game, hah.
Then the statue goes down, oh noos! Watch out for romanov's rather sinister message. and by that i mean...well, whatever.
So tanya and the GI mob travel to the base picking up some powerups on the way, wonderful.
One base later and I have a chrono miner, but i won't need it.
But hey, why not build 10 attack dogs to escort Tanya to destroy the very easy-to-destroy Soviet base? Which is what I did for no real reason. Overkill is good kill
Or not.
So to start this mission of i accidently attract the unwanted attention of a rhino and my rockies kill it just before it kills Tanya >_> great way to start the mission.
Rocketeers slam the gun,tanya destroys the two flak cannons, and the rocketeers then go slay the rest of the sentries. Meanwhile the engineers grab the base. Hooray!
Then I churn out some miners (3) and before i even get 3 grizzlies i get attacked by something like 4 rhino's, which is annoying, lucky my 3 griz's and a few GI's kill them seperatly, and i lose all but one griz and some sections of wall, .......
At this point however they leave me alone, Harriers go miner hunting, and base produces Grizzlies. I build like ten and go attack, and manage to destroy a refinery and a lot of opposition, but my lacking micro left me on the retreat in the end, but i least i did some damage.
and from now on, it's build tanks, attack, retreat, rebuild, attack once more, and win

and yes im quite aware of the fact i could have used tanya to sneak in the back of the base and paradrop a lot of GI's (i think, maybe not due to brutal setting) but i didn't, i did it the hard way o_o
more coming later, i'm up to mission 5 tho