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Whiteboy's Rules
And it's something fresh you're gonna get my Kiwi friend ^_^ good luck with coping with YR? and Uni simultaneously. It's no easy task. Especially if you want YR? to truly be what you said - that will take a lot of time (but from what I've interpreted, you've been working damn hard already Big Grin).

And about the essay: do you think anyone's gonna read the whole thing? LOL

Anyway, the thing about WR is that it's experience is truly one that requires investment in time to fully enjoy. If you read all about the detailed features in the manual, you'll understand it well and love it - but if you don't then you may just find the whole experience daunting/confusing. Playing through the campaigns again with V1.5 in its current state was great fun for me since it was so different - and playing LANs with my brother and sister was similarly great fun thanks to all the new toys to play with.

Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to play the mod (V1.5) online - maybe someone can set up a match with me on XWIS in this very thread? Rolling eyes

Welcome to C-Gen!
Whiteboys is the first mod i've ever played when i got YR. Well, welcome to C-GEN. We like to have you on board Big Grin And i'd love to be a beta tester for you.. Tongue
odd...i never played a lots of mods....

I'll apply for the testing plz Wink
I feel like I'm betraying the Deezire forums... LOL

Well mrruben5 and zero2, you're in! I should also mention that I am looking for a lead Beta tester who will basically be my right-hand man (ideally with lots of modding experience).

When enough people offer to test I'll probably contact those people and send them the Beta mod (it's actually the 4th Beta I'll be releasing... but that's another story). Or the testers can email me first. It doesn't matter really, as long as I end up with a good team of people.

What I'll probably do then is create a topic or several topics in this forum for feedback from the testers. Only beta testers will be able to view and post in that/those topic(s). I'll probably also create another topic that anyone can use, where the testers can openly have general discussions about the mod with the non-testers.

At least that's the plan for now. We'll see what happens soon enough - Cannis should be properly announcing the creation of this forum soon and I'll see how many people we get posting here Wink

When you need a sort of head beta tester i'd take Dcoder. Why? Because he is experienced in AI editing, and cannis and marshall each have their own mods. (and everyone else on these forums too)

Beta testing will go in the skunk worksTongue
I apply for testing for the new version.
you want to test because you want the beta-status Tongue

EDIT: just kidding with ya, kid....
By the way Whiteboy, want a layout of me :goof:
@mrruben5: Hmm, I know DCoder quite well in the Deezire forums. We like to argue about the existence of God Big Grin He'd make a good head tester but I don't know if he has the time or the open-mindedness that is required when testing this mod, because this mod's philosophy is not your normal modding philosophy. Still, I'll maybe offer the position to him when the time comes.

EDIT: what do you mean by "want a layout of me"?

@ YuriRuler90: You want it, you got it! Welcome Smile The team is now 3-strong.

@ zero2: Can you clear something up for me? I am still new to these forums. Did that post of yours refer to a sort of self-appointed title of "beta tester", or is there an official forum status called "Beta Tester"?

Speaking of which, I don't like my own title - I'm just a member/newbie. I know I deserve better than THAT, surely! But what can i do about it :down:

EDIT #2: Hey, I got my title changed. That's better. Thanks Volrath!

All beta testers are assigned to a different member group, C-GEN Beta Staff. This gives them access to hidden Beta testing forums.
You can ask an admin to change your title in this topic.

If you need help with ini coding, I can do that. If you need beta-testing, I'm sorry, I can't - I don't play any mods but my own Tongue

Oh, and you should visit other forums around here, like mine. Smile I could use some input.

Worth playing: 1 | 2 | 3
@WB: When you are ready for a private beta forum, let me know and I'll set it up. Only those members which use the proper permission mask will see it. This will include admins of course. You will have to tell me which members are on your beta staff so I can apply that permission mask to them. This is probably best done in PMs. (And if necessary later on, you'll have to tell me which members to remove the mask from, should you decide to kick someone Wink).

Speaking of kicking someone... pics develop interest *hint*

C-GEN: The site with the 'log the f*ck in' forum. And now we make you validate your f*cking e-mail address too.
CannisRules: It's a YR mod.
Damn I didn't check this out earlier. Unhappy I want to beta test, because I like your mod Wink I have a little modding experience. Developing own mod. On halt now.
Quote:pics develop interest *hint*
If that was aimed at me, software pics don't change that much during development.

Worth playing: 1 | 2 | 3
I'm late.

Welcome to the club Whiteboy, good to have you with us. You can't rely on my for any modding help, but I can take care of that forum title change you're wanting. :biggrin:

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