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DFD-R4: 518 vs. 730
DFD: Daily Feature Deathmatch

The Cruel Fight For Implementation

This is a Daily Feature Deathmatch post. If you are unfamiliar with the background of this event, please read the announcement, the adjustment and the schedule.

Fight 1

[518] Waypoint Mode Aircrafts vs. [730] TS Missile feature[Image include]

After the fight is over, one of these issues will be suspended, while the other one moves on to the next round.
Remember that the coders will not take part in the discussion, so make your arguments complete, concise and convincing - when it's over, it's over.

Part of that is clearly marking what outcome you support for which issue.
There should be no ambiguity in the issue you're talking about, and it should be clear what outcome you support. Feel free to put your stance in bold, and use simple terminology like "kill #69" or "I want #42 to survive".
This use of simple terminology should be part of a larger argumentation - if this is all your post consists of, it will be ignored. We are interested in argumentations and details to consider, not votes.

A decision will be made either way, a lack of discussion will not cause all issues to live.

Be friendly, be civil, be logical.
You are allowed to try to deconstruct the arguments of those arguing against your candidate, but remember that they don't make the call - there is really no point in getting personal.

The discussion should be contained in this thread, argumentations elsewhere will be ignored, but you are allowed to transfer and adapt points made elsewhere in the past.

We want a good, clean fight.
Let's get it on! Dual M16

These fights are largely automatically generated - if an issue turns out to be unfit for combat, it will be disqualified and the opponent will go into the queue.
DCoder edit: only one fight - only one issue can be suspended or move on.
Forum Rules

(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
support [518]
waypoints for aircraft will be more useful, and add more strategy to the game than a TS missile.
[Image: MRMIdAS2k.jpg]
MRMIdAS: No longer allowed to criticise Westwood on PPM
Support #518. Not only would it complement #349 rather well, I also think the TS split missile is not that great either way. I've modded TS for quite some time and followed other TS mods as well, and this logic doesn't see wide-spread use at all. I doubt it would be any different here.

Also, something very similar to that particular effect that made the requester file this request should be possible through work-arounds, at least if #504 survives.
Support [730]

I think Ares should add more features about weapon.and many people said features that Ares has added is not useful.
#518 for sure. The very fact I cannot waypoint my aircraft by default is maddening.
I'm what Willis was talkin' about.
[518] is by far the most useful feature, because of this I support it
Not only are the reaper's split missiles somewhat replicable in YR, even if not entirely, but there are a few aircraft improvements (hopefully) on the cards and waypoint mode would go well with aircraft patrol.
I'm going with Issue 518, for the same reasons as Orac.
ALL HAIL!!!! King of the Loosers
ugh.. Never mind..

[Image: 9c3cfb081d.png]

"Engine 2 is 'no longer' on fire." -One of those penguins from Madagascar (though, I can't seem to recall that guy's name.. Nay, who cares?)
Support 730

Simply because the main reason for aircraft waypoints is guarding right? But there are 2, a combat air patrol feature which will no doubt win that one, requests for the same thing. Reaper missile logic opens neat possibilities and a beta unit for Mental Omega is suppose to use it.
[Image: darkstormsmall.png]
Meh. Defending is one thing. Attacking is another. I want to be able to waypoint a couple of bombers, to hook round my opponent's AA batteries, then do something else to keep him busy rather than just do #1. Besides. It should have been in vanilla RA2, never mind YR...

And for those reasons: #518

Administrative Notice:

Since the last post before Albrecht's was three days old, indicating the debate had pretty much run its course, all other threads are closed, and this one only contains one fight, I have decided to close this thread and proceed to judgement as well.

It would be kind of silly to have a single fight left open, especially when it already reached the time limit before.
Forum Rules

(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
Fight 1

Waypoints for aircraft are damn important, it's as simple as that.
#730 is harder than the submitter imagines. I don't want to guess about how hard, but the fact of the matter is the submitter is just plain wrong: It's not a TS logic, it's an FS logic - it can't just be re-enabled, it will have to be written from scratch.

So supporting #730 would mean voting to kill a feature that would make aircraft significantly easier to manage in favor of coding a graphical weapon effect from scratch that can almost be emulated through things like shrapnel or airburst anyway.

And I just can't do that.
Sorry, but Splits= just ain't unique enough to warrant killing something as important as waypoints for aircraft for it.

Kill: #730
Support: #518
Forum Rules

(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
Fight 1
For the AI it is just this: Takeoff, fly there, bomb it, return. Don't mind the losses. Humans suffer from loss aversion. They try to keep bombers alive. Waypoints would help them there. Aircraft are the only units not to support them. The missile feature isn't that important. Parataxis is annoying. I vote for Waypoints. Now I'm done.

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