OK, the ModEnc says that the Cluster= tag on an Airburst projectile will determine how many salvos of the AirburstWeapon to fire. But the Cluster= tag does not appear to work, well not for me at least (YR1.000). No matter what I set Cluster to, it always fires 9 salvos of the AirburstWeapon= at the 3x3 area. Does this tag not work, or am I doing something wrong?
26 Aug 2008
are you absolutely positively sure it fires only 9 Clusters?.. Can you post your INI coding?
ALL HAIL!!!! King of the Loosers
ugh.. Never mind..
"Engine 2 is 'no longer' on fire." -One of those penguins from Madagascar (though, I can't seem to recall that guy's name.. Nay, who cares?)
1 773
22 Nov 2004
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. It seems AirburstWeapon= always fires exactly 9 shells onto the 3x3 area around itself, and Cluster= is not even used ingame. I have updated ModEnc's pages with this information.
14 Oct 2005
Cluster has worked for me in the past, but in a different way. I made a warhead that spawns a meteor (just put meteors in the AnimList tag) but I could have sworn that I could control the number of meteors that appeared using the Cluster tag.
Of course, if the source code proves that Cluster doesn't have any effect, then please ignore me.
Ares Project Manager.
![[Image: cncgsigsb_sml.png]](http://nighthawk.cncguild.net/things/cncgsigsb_sml.png)
Open Ares positions: Documentation Maintainer, Active Testers.
PM if interested.
Yep. No problems. Well, that makes sense now.
Umm... can anyone please tell me what Aggressive= and Suicide= on TeamTypes REALLY do? I've been getting mixed responses from old forum topics on DZ and so forth.
Some say Aggressive=yes makes the unit not slow down to engage nearby enemies on the way, and therefore more likely to complete its task, others say that having Aggressive=yes makes the unit fight every enemy it encounters, making it more dangerous.
On Suicide=yes, some have told me that it makes the TeamType not retaliate AT ALL, and I want to make sure I know what these mean before I start using it. For one, I would prefer an AI-controlled Tank Rush TeamType to attack and engage any enemy units on the way. And I figured that if anyone can give me a good explanation of these two flags, DCoder could...
Oh, ok. I suppose it helps, but how come none of this stuff is on ModEnc? I've always preferred ModEnc to DeeZire's Guides ever since I discovered ModEnc some time ago.
But that information does beg the question:
The Script Action - Patrol to Waypoint.
If I have Aggressive=yes does that mean my Team will only move to the waypoint specified and not really engage enemies on the way?
If I have Suicide=yes does that mean my Team will execute the equivalent of "Move to Waypoint", as opposed to patrol?
Because I have used Aggressive=yes on a TeamType with script action "Patrol to Waypoint" on a group of Rocketeers, and they seem to engage enemy targets on the way...
Anyways thanks for your help. =)
26 Jan 2005
Just because deezire's guide says something, doesn't mean it is accurate or true for all conditions.
26 Aug 2008
I agree with Blade..
And, you don't really need Aggressive=yes in a patrol. Its usually put in Attack/Strike actions, where the priority is to 'Come, Destroy Enemy Base, Leave'...
Ofcourse, I could be wrong..
ALL HAIL!!!! King of the Loosers
ugh.. Never mind..
"Engine 2 is 'no longer' on fire." -One of those penguins from Madagascar (though, I can't seem to recall that guy's name.. Nay, who cares?)