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Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>
Blade;date=May 6 2005, 06:37 PM Wrote:cow - Hard coded to wander around at random, would be nice to un hardcode

It'd be nice to have a tag we could place on a unit (IsCow?) that'd make the unit wander around more on its own.

I have a quick question... what are the odds of working tiberium (tiberium to spawn, tiberium damage, etc) happening, and when? I'm trying to decide whether or not to put my mod on hold (in terms of a release) while we wait for this. I've tried all the workarounds, but having some 'real' tiberium would be the best situation as far as the team is concerned. Also, what are the odds of having new armor types?
I dont know about Tiberium Damage, I havent looked at that.
New armour types, again, no idea.
TiberiumToSpawn= is something I want to add but I havent yet located the code where the tiberium is created (i.e. currently all the tiberium trees spawn type 1 from the tiberium list, I dont know where it selects this yet)

As for the cow, I could easily do an IsCow= tag that basicly makes it do whatever the engine does for the COW unit (much like what I did for the FV and DESO)

The function that references the hardcoded COW string is part of the infantry class so such an IsCow= tag would only work for infantry.

EDIT: IsCow= is now implemented.
Any infantry unit with IsCow=Yes will get the same code executed as for the [COW] unit.
IsCow= is great Tongue you can add it to all the civilian infantry to make them wander around, rather than just standing in 1 spot untill attacked.
I got per-unit VoiceIFVRepair working, its probobly the last thing I submit before patch release.
Bobingabout;date=May 7 2005, 03:09 PM Wrote:IsCow= is great Tongue you can add it to all the civilian infantry to make them wander around, rather than just standing in 1 spot untill attacked.

FraidyCat=yes makes civilians wander around randomly IIRC anyhow.
And you can force them to panic all the time by mixing Fearless=yes with FraidyCat=yes.

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Thank you good sir.
1.05 released Tongue

I'm proud to present the help file.
Yes I'm even more proud of it than about the patch features, but maybe that's just because it's the first help file I wrote and because I spent a lot of time into it...
Anyway much fun with the new version Smile
[Image: jsfml.png]
Amazing work once again, pd! I must say I have only tried v1.00 of your patch previously, so the amount of enhancements in this one is... huge.

Edit @ Marshall: if your installer does any anti-crack protection, then it doesn't work :mellow: Because yuri.exe does the cd-check, not the gamemd.exe. And I have a custom yuri.exe (Saberhawk's speed-up). And I was able to patch the game.

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I too have a cracked YR (to remove the anti-debugging bits) and can use the patch just fine.
i told you!!!

i said you need to compair yuri.exe aswell as gamemd.exe and ra2md.exe.
At the moment it checks gamemd and ra2md.
If I can get a modified yuri.exe from pd then I will include anti-crack checks for yuri.exe in the next version.
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
Marshall;date=May 9 2005, 09:12 AM Wrote:At the moment it checks gamemd and ra2md.
If I can get a modified yuri.exe from pd then I will include anti-crack checks for yuri.exe in the next version.
Is unnecessary Marshall because to avoid the anti-crack checks only is necessary a bit of pacience & time to modify the code or find in a P2P the ISO with original YR files :D (very easy to find for a noob lol ) or other methods to use the patch in a cracked YR without problems.
I see many people using cracks just to avoid simple problems, which would speak against such a protection.

No-CD-Cracks are actually quite useful as using CDs sucks.
I personally use a CD image of my original CD though.

Plus, people could just copy the cracked exe, restore a backupped original one, patch the game and then restore the crack.
Though probably, people using illegal copies of the game don't have the original exes to backup.

Anyway, I'd really like to support that anti-crack-stuff, but at all, it doesn't seem to be possible.
What we could do: check the serial.

Somebody would have to get a list of serials from the internet (I can do that), send them to Marshall who writes a routine that compares the illegal serials with the one used (it's in the registry, but in another format afaik, so we'd have to find the converting algorithm somehow).
An alternative would be that during the patch installation, people are asked to enter their serial, and then compare it to the illegal ones (so we wouldn't have to figure out the algorithm).
[Image: jsfml.png]
AFAIK all cracked versions still use a valid serial number, they are only classed as invalid on the net because they are used more than once.

theres a very hand YR serial code generator floating around, aswell as a bunch of about 20-30 serial codes. rather easy to obtian, if you simply do a search on google, and look at the results, you can pull up atleast 7 serial codes, this is going by information from over 3 years ago, when i first got YR and needed some extra codes to use it on the network so i didn't have to go and buy 3 other copies. so there is no doubt you can pick up valid serial codes, if not a serial code generator from the internet VERY easily.

my point is, there no point is checking for serial codes, since the gamemd.exe does it already, and unless gamemd.exe is patched, in this case preventing your patch from being installed, there would be a valid serial number anyway.

you've got to compair yuri.exe and ra2md.exe.

and the easiest way to do that with minimal filesize is to actually get hold of a copy of those noCD patched exes, to directly check what bytes are being changed, then get the patcher to simply check those bytes.

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