25.04.2006, 10:37:42
particle Wrote:did you change the Eurofighter's warhead and it IE's or is this "pre-change the eurofighter warhead?"
What are some "causes for concern" on enabling the unpolished units? is it just the fact that it's unpolished that worries you? :cool:
The version wthigon has is almost identical to the one I have. Warhead is the same. Yet, that error hasn't happened to me for a long, long time. He was playing wth Rock Patch on, and on a custom map (made by himself) so that could be the cause. I suggested that he disable the RP and try to recreate the error.
Causes for concern... I assume you meant "modes", not "units". Well, the co-op mode, last time I checked, was unstable. It can IE. I wouldn't want that. Similarly, that's why I don't have buildups for some of the new buildings - unless I can create convincing ones, then I'll settle for no buildup. It's hardly causing harm by having no buildup. It'll cause more harm seeing a very shoddy buildup - mods with bad buildups kind of put me off.
For the next beta, I'll re-enable co-op campaign mode. Testing focuses will be on that mode, Survival mode, Powers Divided modes, the main Campaign mode and seeing if an IE happens at all with the Eurofighter and Cluster Nuke Silo. Also seeing if the AI is any good

Now, I'm off to see if I can make this new weapon I have in mind...