25.03.2005, 12:45:00
Quote:Then he needs to know how your structures are appended to the list so he knows what building numbers they will use. This is necessary for script actions if you want the AI to target the new buildings specifically rather than them only doing it based on opportunity and/or threat logic.
No, he doesn't
http://dcoder.cannis.net/images/screens_ai/0_68_2.jpg (not hotlinked to avoid screen resize)
It can translate building name <-> building index automatically B) Including those magic numbers (65534,131072,19960, if you know what they mean. Of course, you need to have rulesmd.ini. Since your rules are still in progress, Whitey, don't shuffle the BuildingTypes around, only append new stuff to the very end. Including your own structures, don't shuffle them after adding them. Else you'll have to rewrite the ai to fix that.
So, shortly, send him your rules, and he can get working easily. And give him new versions if they contain new buildings or the countries/sides relation is changed.