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Animation Damage Warheads
Animation Damage Warheads

Animations may have appeared to deal damage randomly rather than based on the warhead specified. In fact, animations were hard-coded to deal damage using the warhead specified by [CombatDamage]â–ºFlameDamage2, unless the animation ID was [INVISO], in which case the warhead used was [CombatDamage]â–ºC4Warhead. With Ares, the [Animation]â–ºWarhead= flag will be adhered to, with the aforementioned warheads used as the default if [Animation]â–ºWarhead is not specified.

but i can't find [Animation] section in rulemd.ini .
what's the meaning of "[Animation]â–ºWarhead="?how to make it work.
who can give me a successful code?

Messages In This Thread
Animation Damage Warheads - by ra2free - 02.08.2012, 05:48:53
RE: Animation Damage Warheads - by Marshall - 02.08.2012, 12:17:54
RE: Animation Damage Warheads - by ra2free - 02.08.2012, 17:14:59

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