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Yuri like slide after slide and ripples with Dell M1530 nvidia 8600m gt

i have laptop with spec :
Dell XPS M1530
core2duo 2.5MHZ 6MB cash
Ram 4 GB
H.D 320

i run winxp sp3 32bit

i can play many games very good but with yuri isnot
the normal speed in yuri =5
but when play i can see rippes
when move to right and left you can see map like slide after slide

the good thing tht when i change game speed to 6 its working perfect
but the moving of the Unints is very qucik . but when move mouse to right and left you there is no ripples , no slide after slide

i have tested more things
1- Disable Directdraw acceleration : i can see ripples but you can play becase there is no slow in game

2- modify RA2MD.INI file : under Video tab add line VideoBackBuffer=no
this line result equal with result in first srep
so i can add this line and didnot disable Directdraw acceleration

3- reinstall and tested another copies: same problem exist

4- test with Ares : this patch enabled me to not disable Directdraw acceleration or modify RA2MD.INI , but the ripples still exist
5- test idea of Dcoder ares.ini file: make ares.ini and add lines (i lost like)
but this not solve the issue too , thx for Dcoder

so i need to fix it,


Messages In This Thread
Yuri like slide after slide and ripples with Dell M1530 nvidia 8600m gt - by alaa2003 - 23.06.2011, 18:43:21

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