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Move Modifiers
What's the difference between Shift and Alt-Shift?

Also (will add it to the tracker if it's not VH) how hard do you think will be adding a way to customize them? Say A special tab in the Options/Keyboard menu that auto-selects Alt Control & Shift instead of waiting for you to press a special key. In regular RA2, say, replacing Alt with Control-Alt and Control with Control-Shift.

Messages In This Thread
Move Modifiers - by AlphaBravo - 26.05.2010, 10:04:19
RE: Move Modifiers - by DCoder - 26.05.2010, 18:55:32
RE: Move Modifiers - by AlphaBravo - 26.05.2010, 21:54:53
RE: Move Modifiers - by DCoder - 27.05.2010, 06:12:34

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