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Weird IE i keep getting with my mod....
I would say the obvious first step would be to take out the
section on the ConYards and try again.

Given that it works fine for the AI, though, and crashes on release of the mouse button, it's likely the issue is something else.

Honestly, I think you'll have to upload the crash dump, as painful as it may be.
If you have a very slow connection, maybe .rar it up and tell WinRAR to create a whole bunch of small files you can upload over the course of several days.
Painful to download and reassemble later, but better than no information at all.

(Note: I'm tired. It's possible I overlooked an obvious problem.)
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Weird IE i keep getting with my mod.... - by Renegade - 01.02.2010, 09:23:27

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