03.05.2009, 11:06:55
I'm getting the same. Oddly enough, if I unpack the tar manually into the same folder syringe uses, it leaves the executable and the temp folder lying around, as opposed to removing it when I don't do anything manual. Either way, the log only mentions moving of the license file, not the executable. Seems like you're either not extracting all files, or the placeholder 0 byte executable messes things up.
2009-05-03 11:43:59 Checking for updates to Syringe via RSS feed.
2009-05-03 11:44:05 Parsing RSS feed.
2009-05-03 11:44:05 Syringe update available. User revision: 0. Latest revision: 10.
2009-05-03 11:44:06 Downloading "http://svn.renegadeprojects.com/dl.php?repname=Syringe&path=%2Freleases%2Fmsvc%2F&rev=0&isdir=1" to "F:\games\yr\LaunchBase\Resource\syringe.tar.gz"
2009-05-03 11:44:19 Download complete.
2009-05-03 11:44:19 Deleting "F:\games\yr\LaunchBase\Resource\syringe.tar"
2009-05-03 11:44:19 Moving "F:\games\yr\LaunchBase\Resource\msvc.r10\license.txt" to "F:\games\yr\LaunchBase\Resource\Syringe.txt"
2009-05-03 11:44:19 Syringe update complete. Updated to revision 10.
2009-05-03 11:47:59 Deleting "F:\games\yr\LaunchBase\Resource\msvc.r10"
2009-05-03 11:47:59 Checking for updates to Ares via RSS feed.
2009-05-03 11:48:02 Ares update check failed - failed to access RSS feed.