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Things we miss by not visiting DZ...
Guest Wrote:I like your idea of showing the lack of common sense some people have online. How about a thread discussion about the stupid things people do offline, like on the streets? I could name several: littering, parking in front of driveways, crossing the street on a "Don't Walk" signal. I see all of that crap everyday.

But those are offline things, so I make fun of them with my friends offline! Can't keep all the smug pointing out of people's faults just here can I? That would be selfish.

Messages In This Thread
Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by DCoder - 06.03.2008, 09:07:19
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 29.04.2008, 23:47:47
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by BlueLightning2k6 - 29.04.2008, 19:04:37
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 29.04.2008, 23:44:34
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by pd - 30.04.2008, 01:42:55
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 30.04.2008, 06:14:40
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 30.04.2008, 06:11:15
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 30.04.2008, 20:58:38
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 01.05.2008, 15:24:40
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 01.05.2008, 15:25:53
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 04.05.2008, 23:13:47
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 03.05.2008, 03:05:51
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 03.05.2008, 03:15:14
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 11.05.2008, 02:05:12
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Guest - 17.05.2008, 03:24:21
RE: Things we miss by not visiting DZ... - by Blade - 17.05.2008, 10:46:55

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