25.04.2005, 15:55:14
sensorarray= definitly doesn't give the structure sensors, and neither does sensors=, so currently, there is no way to give a structure cloaking sensors... and in ROTC, we really need stuctures to have sensors, theres a few things that don't work properly, currently the only way to detect stealthed objects is with command tanks, apoc class tanks(apoc, prism, 666, mastermind) robot tanks, heros(some need to be elite) and elite super class tanks(DEUR, Chrono eradicator, lestech, sonic), also a veriaty of allied units including engineers and hovercraft, and the sensor drone, which when deployed looses its sensors(its suposed to increase range) not to mention navel units for detecting subs...
sure thats enough units, but there are no structures...
sure thats enough units, but there are no structures...