06.09.2006, 17:34:03
Related link: Category:XCC Mixer Tutorials.
Dammit, I think I need an idiots guide...
06.09.2006, 20:54:22
Fixed the gate cameo problem, seems to have been a problem with the shp > jpeg > shp thing as I used the shp editor to alter the shps directly and now they work.
However...I now have a new problem. Trying to add a medic unit and I'm using the tutorial from the Deezire page using some altered TS stuff that I downloaded (the medic shp and medic icon shp). Everything seems set up right, but the unit doesn't appear on the toolbar at all. In the Rulesmd.ini ;The Allied Medic [MEDIC] UIName=Name:MEDIC Name=Medic Category=Soldier Primary=Heal ;Secondary=VirtualScanner ; gs the computer uses range to determine what buildings to run to and capture Prerequisite=GAPILE,RADAR CrushSound=InfantrySquish LeadershipRating=3 Strength=75 Armor=none TechLevel=1 Sight=4 ;BombSight=4 ; detecting ivan's little friends Speed=4 Pip=Blue ;Engineer=yes Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Cost=500 Soylent=250 Points=5 IsSelectableCombatant=no VoiceSelect=;EngAllSelect VoiceMove=;EngAllMove VoiceAttack=;EngAllMove VoiceFeedback=;EngAllFear VoiceSpecialAttack=;EngAllAttackCommand VoiceEnter=;EngAllMove VoiceCapture=;EngAllAttackCommand DieSound=EngAllDie Locomotor={4A582744-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} PhysicalSize=1 MovementZone=Infantry ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons SpecialThreatValue=1 ; this should be between 0 and 1 ImmuneToVeins=yes GuardRange=9 Size=1 ;PreventAttackMove=yes IFVMode=1 Trainable=no SelfHealing=yes In the Artmd.ini [MEDIC] ; Allied Medic Cameo=MEDIICON Sequence=EngineerSequence Crawls=yes Remapable=yes FireUp=2 And just for good measure, his weapon from the rulesmd.ini aswell [Heal] Damage=-50 ROF=80 Range=1.5 Projectile=Invisible Speed=100 Warhead=Organic Report=HealCrate He's basically a clone of the Engineer with a new weapon and appearence. I added him in the NAMES section using the XCC String editor so the name should be displayed correctly. I get absolutelty nothing come up, no icon, no invisible icon and no xxicon. The cameo has 1 frame and is in the RA2 cameo pallet which it's been altered to display correctly in. Why does nothing seem to work for me? ![]()
06.09.2006, 21:35:13
....just did....damn I feel like a moron....
Now he works fine ![]() Another quick request, anyone know the tag that gives the attack cursor over your own units? I've got a feeling there is one but I can't find it in the rulesmd files anywhere.
06.09.2006, 22:14:15
07.09.2006, 00:44:28
Ah that's the one. Cheers.
Annoyingly the "Organic" tag overrides that by the looks of it, meaning I'm going to have to alter the mouse.sha which I wanted to avoid doing. Although I did have a looksie at the full range of mouse cursors, it's a shame some of them weren't used, the Desolators custom Rad Deploy one is sweet. Anyone know if there's anyway to re-establish these to use in the game? Gah, I'm still asking questions....
07.09.2006, 03:52:26
No known one, but you can re-order them to replace existing ones, and I don't know how mouse cursors on RP's custom actions work - maybe they allow that.
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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again! (25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
07.09.2006, 17:40:12
I was able to use the custom actions section to make existing actions point to other frames in mouse.sha (Heal and Tote in particular - added TS frames at the end), only problem was that they didn't animate.
Non animating? That's a shame. I might add that to the RP wishlist if it's not already there.
UseCustomCursor= StartFrame= NoofFrames= And UseCustomDeployCursor= StartFrame= NonofFrames= Could be very usefull additions by the looks of it as they'd allow full use of the heal icon as well as the desolator and GI custom deploy ones too... Edit: Ah it's already on there, good good.
08.09.2006, 17:34:09
Only problem is that as far as I know the GI deploy and Desolator deploy use the same Action. Are the tags you're suggesting meant to be on the infantrytype or somewhere else? Also, i've noticed the mouse pointer actually does animate, but only when you hold down a mouse button.
11.09.2006, 16:35:33
Well I pictured the UseCustomCursor= would go in the Weapons entry and the UseCustomDeployCursor= would go in the Infantry entry but due to the actions it makes something like that awkward.
I've heard people mentioning the actions quite a bit but do not fully grasp them (as I said originally I've recently only ventured past the rules and art ini files but am slowly getting there with more advanced stuff...very slowly ![]() Only animates when you hold the mouse down? How strange. I guess there must be a reason.
13.09.2006, 21:57:31
Gah, this is driving me crazy now...
I'll start at the begnning. When me and a few friends first started playing with the rulesmd.ini file a friend of ours kept giving us ideas for things to do. One thing he kept REPEATEDLY going on about was the idea of a teleporting Libian Demolition Truck (or Chrono Nuke Truck as he called it). He kept bugging us to make it to the point where it became a running joke and one time he passed me a note with three words written clearly on it: GRONO NUC TRUCK He swears blind that he wrote Chrono Nuke Truck but it simply wasn't true and as such he got mocked repeatedly about it but it did become legendary within our group, the Grono Nuc Truck was here to stay. Since learning to mod a bit more I thought of reviving the Grono Nuc Truck in all it's glory as a super unit (since the thing would be damn cheep in battle). Artmd.ini file [GRONO] Voxel=yes Cameo=GRONOICON Remapable=yes PrimaryFireFLH=40,32,96 SecondaryFireFLH=-32,80,120 PBarrelLength=192 Rulesmd.ini file ;The Grono Nuc Truck [GRONO] UIName=Name:GRONO Image=GRONO Name=Grono Nuc Truck Prerequisite=NAWEAP Category=AFV Primary=Demobomb Secondary=none Strength=200 Armor=light Turret=no TechLevel=10 Sight=5 Speed=5 ;changed on 11/29 from 6 to 5 Owner=Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs RequiredHouses=Africans AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=no Cost=2500 Soylent=1250 Points=80 ROT=5 Crusher=yes SelfHealing=yes Crewed=no Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60 VoiceSelect=;DemoTruckSelect VoiceMove=;DemoTruckMove VoiceAttack=;DemoTruckAttackCommand VoiceFeedback= DieSound=;DemoTruckDie MoveSound=;DemoTruckMoveStart CreateSound=;DemoTruckCreated ;Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} Locomotor={4A582747-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} Weight=2 MovementZone=Crusher ThreatPosed=50 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addons DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys MaxDebris=20 DebrisTypes=TIRE DebrisMaximums=4 Size=3 DeathWeapon=Demobomb Explodes=yes CanPassiveAquire=no ; Won't try to pick up own targets CanRetaliate=no; Won't fire back when hit Trainable=no ChronoInSound=ChronoMinerTeleport ChronoOutSound=ChronoMinerTeleport Gronoicon is an altered version of the Demo truck cameo and Grono is the demolition trucks .vxl but renamed. Both have been added to a mix file and put in the RA2 file, and GRONO has been added to the unit list in the rulesmd file. The prerequisit is just a soviet war factory, and yet the Nuc Truck does't show up at all ![]() Sooo....what have I done wrong this time?
Did you add the grono.hva also? Oh and the way you have it setup, it won't be teleporting anywhere.
13.09.2006, 22:27:12
.hva? That doesn't ring a bell. Where/what is it so I can find it an alter it
![]() Also I was wondering about it actually teleporting correctly. The locomotor is taken from the chrono legionnaire, am I to assume from your comment that it won't work on a vehicle? Or is there some other problem I'm overlooking?
13.09.2006, 22:34:40
Amistat Wrote:.hva?  That doesn't ring a bell.  Where/what is it so I can find it an alter it Every .vxl needs its associated .hva file. Since you said you renamed the DTRUCK.vxl look for the DTRUCK.hva with XCC Mixer. Extract it and rename it grono.hva. As for the teleporting you forgot this... Teleporter=yes ![]() |
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