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Whiteboy's Rules
How long till 1.5 is done Unhappy
Untill its done,

common anwser Tongue

Listen to the wise old man in the corner, for his words are true Tongue

Now hear the words of me. The mod will be finished when it's finished.

Okay, more detail. Follow the mod's progress closely and judge for yourself. It's very largely done, but I keep adding more stuff to it and editing it. I want the finished mod to be "perfect". Can you wait for that, or would you prefer me to release something half-hearted? Trust me, the few months it will take (probably) will be worth it. Not a day passes by now when I don't work on the mod Big Grin

The original phrase (which I've 'officially' adopted) came from John Carmack: "When it's done".

That being said, there's a point where you have to recognize a need to go into what the game development industry calls "crunch mode". That's when you cut things you're not going to satisfactorily do, you call other things good enough, you cut your expectations for some things and implement them functionally while leaving room for later improvements, and you concentrate on getting a list of select things absolutely right.

There's always another version on the horizon. It's not like you're charging money, so you have more freedom to do this than the professionals do.

C-GEN: The site with the 'log the f*ck in' forum. And now we make you validate your f*cking e-mail address too.
CannisRules: It's a YR mod.
Doesn't feel like freedom with all those death threats I get in my inbox... Tongue

I actually have a very good plan for the final 1.5 release. It's just a matter of time... one thing I have decided to cut (for this version) is a proper AI file. I thought it wasn't really needed - it's hard enough with the rules tweaks anyway.

So this is gonna be the final final version of whiteboy's rules? ok then take all the time you need we want the perfect mod Smile
Who said it's final? Tongue

Whiteboy Wrote:Doesn't feel like freedom with all those death threats I get in my inbox... Tongue
I told you, if you talk you die! Tongue

[/Darth Vader cheesiness]

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: the tank models and buildins and stuff look CRAP

a doomsday devastator tank is a fire truck...just my advice if u want way more people to download it at least put new building/unit models in it..........
Oh how I want to edit your post Tongue

Firstly, let it be known that you are talking about version 1.0 which was released back in June 2003 and has NOTHING to do with this forum bar the name of the mod. So you're leaning towards being off-topic.

Secondly, how can the "tank models" look like crap if they are all the default voxels used in the unmodded game? I don't think Westwood's voxels look that bad.

Thirdly, how can people know that I used a civillian voxel as the Devastator Tank if they don't get the mod first?

Fourth, the mod's gotten more downloads than I could have ever hoped for. It's a redundant mod now, and yet I still get emails about it, which are ~95% of the time positive ones. The other ~5% are emails with suggestions about how it could be better. I've only ever received 1 or 2 negative emails, for the record. That's in 2.5 years. Which is a heck of a long time considering how old games get so easily.

And fifth, yes I do admit that version 1.0 was made back when I was still new at modding. Back then I knew what I could and could not do, and I never wanted to learn more than I already knew, hence the final result (which I never actually intended to upload to the net in the first place). I focused almost completely on gameplay for that mod - graphics meant absolutely bugger all to me. You know, I haven't actually got a comment about how I use a Fire Truck for the Devastator Tank - this is a first. But you know, I almost left it in version 1.5 solely for nostalgic value LOL

Anyway, point I have to make to you: wait for the upcoming version 1.5 (what this thread is discussing). It kicks version 1.0 in the balls (and I hope your version 1.0 is the 2005 edition from the mod's site, BTW, or I'll get mad).

im just sayin how can a firetruck be a crazy tank..................
The 2005 version of the mod is like the first version, expect you can complete the missions of the allies and soviets and it has a mod launcher. BTW, will 1.5 have the mod launcher?
Oh, you were saying a lot more than that Someguy...

Quote:the tank models and buildins and stuff look CRAP
Don't worry doomsday devastator tank no longer looks like a Fire Truck.

It is just a really really big tank now.

[Image: HOPALONGTOM.png]

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