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RA2/YR full map picture renderer released
Hi all, over the last 2,5 years I've been working on and off on a program that renders RA2 maps. I completely restarted my project just over a year ago and added support for mods and YR.
A few days ago I finished most of the functionality I planned, hacked up a quick GUI and put an installer up.
For now I do not render any voxels, and LightIntensity on lamps is not processed correctly yet. Other than that, the tool managed to render all 178 maps in multimd.mix in just under 12 minutes on my system.
The sources compile under windows and linux on both x86 and x64 architectures.
An installer can be found here:
For those interested, sources are on the sourceforge svn too.

Any comments are welcome
Wonderful, thank you a lot for this Smile (especially the mod support)
Hmm, how long it will take before every major mod has the improved minimaps produced from this, and the possible uses of the full renders?

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(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
(11.05.2009, 02:56:38)mt. Wrote: Wonderful, thank you a lot for this Smile (especially the mod support)
Hmm, how long it will take before every major mod has the improved minimaps produced from this, and the possible uses of the full renders?
I would not know, but I have made a simple program in the past that helps here. Use it like
InjectThumbs.exe "c:\mymap.mpr" "d:\someminimapimage.mpr"

Quite simplified, my batch file to do this did the following:
go through all .map files in a folder,
call the rendering program on it,
create a nice thumbnail for it (the hovering previews for
i_view32 "%%d" /resize=^(600,0^) /aspectratio /resample /jpgq=95 /convert="thumb_%%~nd.jpg"
And a nice minimap
i_view32 "%%d" /resize=^(144,133^) /aspectratio /resample /convert="prev_%%~nd.png"
And inject it into the map
InjectThumbs.exe "%%c" "prev_%%~nd.png"
The path and filenames were carefully chosen so I could use this on large batches, but you'll get the idea. i_view32 is IrfanView by the way.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 87.83 KB / Downloads: 638)
Didn't try it as I don't have the game available now, but it sounds awesome! Great work!
[Image: jsfml.png]
looks good, but doesn't seem to load files in mod mixes.

perhaps have a checkbox for it?
[Image: MRMIdAS2k.jpg]
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