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DFD-R2: 1112 vs. 1069, 1075 vs. 1042
DFD: Daily Feature Deathmatch

The Cruel Fight For Implementation

This is a Daily Feature Deathmatch post. If you are unfamiliar with the background of this event, please read the announcement, the adjustment and the schedule.

Fight 1

[0001112] DamageRadius= dont work vs. [0001069] SuperAnimFour cannot have StartSound or Report Tag

Fight 2

[0001075] Multiplayer Games Rules vs. [0001042] Targeted Abilities and Multiple Weapon Modes

After the fight is over, two of these issues will be suspended, while the other two move on to the next round.
Remember that the coders will not take part in the discussion, so make your arguments complete, concise and convincing - when it's over, it's over.

Part of that is clearly marking what outcome you support for which issue.
There should be no ambiguity in the issue you're talking about, and it should be clear what outcome you support. Feel free to put your stance in bold, and use simple terminology like "kill #69" or "I want #42 to survive".
This use of simple terminology should be part of a larger argumentation - if this is all your post consists of, it will be ignored. We are interested in argumentations and details to consider, not votes.

A decision will be made either way, a lack of discussion will not cause all issues to live.

Be friendly, be civil, be logical.
You are allowed to try to deconstruct the arguments of those arguing against your candidate, but remember that they don't make the call - there is really no point in getting personal.

The discussion should be contained in this thread, argumentations elsewhere will be ignored, but you are allowed to transfer and adapt points made elsewhere in the past.

We want a good, clean fight.
Let's get it on! Dual M16

These fights are largely automatically generated - if an issue turns out to be unfit for combat, it will be disqualified and the opponent will go into the queue.
Forum Rules

(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
Between 2 awesome coding cock-ups by westwood, [0001069] seems to be the larger fuck up with no known workaround.

[0001042] seems to be another request for RA3 style alternate weapons, as pretty much a duplicate of the rest of these suggestions, I go with [0001075] by default.
[Image: MRMIdAS2k.jpg]
MRMIdAS: No longer allowed to criticise Westwood on PPM
Isn't issue #1042 the same as one that just took part in a DFD? I'll see if I can find a link to the other one...

Edit: It's indeed the same issue. #1042 was already in the DFD here.
Ares Project Manager.
[Image: t3wbanner.png]
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Open Ares positions: Documentation Maintainer, Active Testers.
PM if interested.
That was my bad...happened because AlphaBravo requested #942 to die and #1042 to go in instead (while #1042 is obviously in the Round 2 range). Sorry 'bout that.

Administrative Notice:

#1042 is disqualified from this fight, #1075 goes into the queue.
Forum Rules

(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
I think both need fixing, but I think [0001069] is more important. I spent hours trying to find a workaround but I didnt find one.
SW clones are going to be added in 0.4, so it could be added at that version if ever added.

No vote required!
Java student.
(29.07.2010, 16:19:22)¥R M0dd€r Wrote: Fight1:
I think both need fixing, but I think [0001069] is more important. I spent hours trying to find a workaround but I didnt find one.
SW clones are going to be added in 0.4, so it could be added at that version if ever added.
Well, if only one is supposed to survive I'd like to see DamageRadius fixed since I would use that one more than SuperAnimFour.
So I support #1112.
#1112 I guess. DamageRadius is a rather useful thing anyway so kill #1069. Seems like the requester did something wrong...

Second fight got booted anyway so yeah. xD
I'm what Willis was talkin' about.

Administrative Notice:

Given that there have been no new comments for almost a week, it is assumed this fight is over; we will proceed to judgement.
Forum Rules

(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.
After judging a bunch of Round 1 DFDs earlier, I immediately recognized #1112 as a duplicate of #655; since that means one opponent each is disqualified, this fight is decided by default.

#1069 and #1075 advance to the next round.
Forum Rules

(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.

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