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Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>
yes, but nobody gived me an answer, does it works too on RA2?
The Ultimate War is begun!
B1E site
The Ultimate War
Both sites are Dutch

The Ultimate War is a mod where (nearly) every soldier and tank will be as a brutal one, and there's now an Eiffel Tesla Coil, and each side have 2 special soldiers or tanks, and 1 or more veteran things, so...prepare for the heaviest battle Tongue
Your question was answered few days ago by pd & is NO... Rolling eyes

PaD,Aug 20 2005, 12:29 PM Wrote:
Quote:Required game version:? Yuri's Revenge v1.001
That's what the DL page says... isn't that clear?

BTW, RA Tech Center??!? WTF? Wasn't that the ...
[Image: cncr_beta_download_2.png]
5 different armies: GDI, Nod, Allies, Soviets & Yuri... & converted TS Terrain!!
ohw, i didn't that was the answer Tongue
The Ultimate War is begun!
B1E site
The Ultimate War
Both sites are Dutch

The Ultimate War is a mod where (nearly) every soldier and tank will be as a brutal one, and there's now an Eiffel Tesla Coil, and each side have 2 special soldiers or tanks, and 1 or more veteran things, so...prepare for the heaviest battle Tongue
reason being that its a completly different exe, let alone version. so theres A LOT thats different between RA2 and YR. so it would require completly re-doing the patch. easier just to stick to the latest version, IE YR 1.001.

we were compairing the exes before to see if we could find out why the BaseUnit= tag was only reading 3, to see what was added to make YR do 3 where RA2 only did 2.

we couldn't really tell because the code was completly different. but jonwil helped PD with it anyway.
It's because it's a mod-centered project: it's about giving modders extra power. What modder would use the original RA2? It has fewer options than YR.

It may be a little more popular with players (and not quite as cripplingly imbalanced as YR) but that's somewhat irrelevant to a mod-maker I suspect (you can make your own balance in your own mod).

Anyway astonishing work PaD, best of luck should you resume it.
if he doesn't come back, someone will eventually take over. PD has released his database to make it easier for others to hack.
"Everybody's dead Dave!"
erm yes? Rolling eyes
I'm having a break from hacking, so it's no surprise there's no discussion here.
[Image: jsfml.png]
last time you "Vanished", people were still talking in here...

but it seems like the entire Forum is dead, not just this topic.
So what do you suppose we should talk about, now that the patch development is on hold? Newbs/n00bs don't know about this forum, and us oldbies know pretty much everything we need to. You could always go to ModEnc and add/edit info to it...

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Last time I "vanished" wasn't announced and my disappearance was a mystery Tongue

Hm you think the patch stuff shall be added to the ModEnc? Or what did you think of?
[Image: jsfml.png]
ModEnc can host any modding related information. There already is a separate category for the patch, so I think posting all those tutorials you bundle in the help file on ModEnc would be only logical.

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I disagree. Keep the RP help file separate - that way you only have to update the help file and not the modenc info too. Modenc could have a page dedicated to explaining to newbs what the RP is all about, and where the help file can be downloaded from.
I didn't mean to ditch the RP help file, I meant keeping that info at ModEnc is also a good option, as it is easier to update ModEnc than to force all of you to redownload the help file when something in it gets changed.

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The RockPatch Help is going to be online soon anyway, so that wouldn't be a big problem.
I could just copy-and-paste stuff.
[Image: jsfml.png]

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