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Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>
How you know that Chronojam hasn't invented a story that fits?

Adding tiberiums is also one thing on my loong list (not the official wishlist).
But I can't say when I'm going to work on this.

Currently I'm optimizing the airstrikes. After that, I make a EMP-like SW.
It's basicly an SW that makes the SW building fire with its Primary.
Since EMPulseCannon=yes still works, we don't have to fear that the building behaves like a defensive building then Smile

I will try to bring EMP back, too, but probably not in 1.06.
[Image: jsfml.png]
PaD, according to some people who IMed me during this downtime, chronobeams are still green. You might want to check on that.

Worth playing: 1 | 2 | 3
I did and I got them blue again.
[Image: jsfml.png]
you done FourthCrew FourthSurvivorDivisor and FourthDisguise yet?
EMP returning would be good, especially a real-style one and not our BS methods.
Pd, does that include the EMP weapon aswell as the EMP superweapon?

yes there is a difference. EMP superweapon is a base defence that fires a normal weapon using a superweapon style trigger. the EMP weapon is just like any other weapon, but its kinda like chrono beam if it didn't kill units. it forces units into a low power state like when robot tanks de-activate. after a certain time, it wares off and they activate again.

both would be good, but either would also be good. EMP superweapon would open up many possabilities for superweapons. if the logic was re-implemented, its something i'd use, probably a lot, probably for something for CDA side to begin with.
well even as a normal weapon it would good, artillery bombardment anyone Rolling eyes
I'm gone for a few weeks and look at the progress - incredible work here PD! I hope to get back to modding soon so I can use all these cool new features!
How stable is the patch right now? Sounds to me like most of the bugs have been ironed out!
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
Yep, 105c is kinda stable already, in 106, more bugs will be fixed.

I'll definitely add FourthCrew and FourthSurvivorDivisor, maybe FourthDisguise.
The rest I'm gonna do for 106 from now is fixing bugs.
Weather Storm clones are quite a lot of work and I doubt that I come to implementing them.

106 will be the last release for a couple of time (weeks, months).
I'm not taking a break, but I'm working on a "little secret side project" that will present when I think it's time to. Now it's much too early.
All I can say is that it's RA2YR related Smile

As said, 106 shall be released on 29th of July (this year of course Tongue).
If there are lethal bugs, they will be fixed and a 106b released.
When there will be a 107 - no idea yet.

There's a mod called Stormy Weather (hope the name's right), and on that map, I encountered an IE when tanks fought on the high wooden bridges.
Is this is a generally known problem on the map or is it possibly related to jonwil's TrainBridge hack? I tested other high wood bridges though, and they seemed to be OK.
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The only 'native' IE I've encountered in YR is MCVs becoming neutral. So, no, I've never encountered an IE with tanks fighting on bridges.

You need to ascertain whether or not the IE was caused by something in the mod.
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
I cant easyly remove the patch from the mod without making more IEs Tongue
Hmm. Maybe a SensitiveElectronics= tag could be implemented or a veteran/elite ability (HARDENED or whatever) to denote whether a unit is affected or not.

PD, how far down is Ion Storms on the list?
PD sent me the patch last night, and strangly, it doesn't work. no IEs, i simply can't play it because the game stops responding and a curser pops up after the game loading screen has finished loading. theres no error messages.

strange thing is, it only seems to happen to me, and its just his latest build. 1.05c works as well as can be expected, but the latest exe just doesn't....

he doesn't have a clue what might be causing it, since i'm the only person he knows of who is effected. its not an OS issue, i use XP Hope on the computer i play YR on, and 1 of the other testers who it worked for also uses XP home.
I made some promises for 1.06, but it will stay as it is currently.

I decided to end the existence of Windows on my PC and change to Linux, meaning I cannot play YR anymore and therefore not hack it.
The consequence is a - at least temporal - death of the RockPatch.
The latest version has working 4th side AI, an Airstrike SW and an EMP-Cannon-like SW which cannot fire EMP but anything else, without Range limitation (didn't come to that).
In all, it's a stable version and ready for release, although I didn't do all the things I intended to do.

I dunno yet when I release this new RockPatch version, as the helpfiles aren't ready yet, and I'm not sure whether there are CHM compilers for Linux.

I think I'll leave about 5GB (if that's enough) for a future WinXP partition so I can continue on the patch sometime.

Don't worry, it will come back B)
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Try running it under wine or cedega and see if it runs okay. It will mean you could still hack it although to test features fully, you would need to rely more on windows boxes as wine emulation isn't perfect.

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