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DCoders INI Checker need improvemts

  1. How about you offer help if you want work done?
  2. It is usually wise to not sound quite as annoying/condescending/dismissive when you want help.
  3. You use NPatch. Not only does that strongly imply you're very much in the wrong forum, but VK has also officially admitted to not doing any bugtesting before release. Therefore, it is highly unlikely your game or mod will ever be in a state that could be considered "bug-free", and, as such, your experience fighting errors is not representative of the average user.
    In other words: We cannot rule out all problems you're having wouldn't be gone if you used a properly developed patch, and, as such, it'd be silly to alter a provenly working tool just to accommodate an environment that is broken by default.
  4. On the same note, independent from the fact that I rather doubt NPatch itself handles NPatch's new armor types and countries well, VK is known for randomly and uselessly changing tag names around. It is impossible to handle any part of his work, because what is CountryTagFoo= today might be CountryTagBarBlueMoon= tomorrow.
  5. As the wise one pointed out, if you seriously got that many errors, the INI Checker is the least of your problems. It sounds like you don't even have the most minor of clues what you're doing and rely on the INI Checker to fix your guesswork. That is not the type of modding we are promoting and supporting, and, as such, I rather doubt D would re-code his tool in a way that would basically make it worse than TibEd in its implications.
  6. Lastly, as if all of the general problems above weren't enough, your ideas of everything are naive at best, and delusional at worst:
    Code cannot determine intent. Independent from the massive logic/database that would be necessary to even find words that could potentially be typos, how would the program auto-fix them?
    If you have "AARateo=", is that a typo of "AARatio=" or "AARate="?
    If you have Arm=, is that the flag Arm=, or a truncated Armor=?
    If you have Armor=, is that Armor=, or a truncated ArmorAircraftMult=, or a truncated ArmorBuildingsMult, or a truncated ArmorDefensesMult=, or a truncated ArmorInfantryMult=, or a truncated ArmorUnitsMult= or a truncated Armory=?

    Not to mention the retardedness of suggesting to remove unmatched warheads from the [Warheads] list.
    What if the list entry is correct, and the warhead itself is misspelled? e.g. [Warheads].900=KaboomWH and [KabommWH]. Then instead of making sure the user makes it right, you fuck up the code more by not only removing a clear indicator there is confusion there, but also by leaving a Warhead unreferenced in the Warheads list, breaking game and map functions, which will be irrelevant anyway, because if any weapon correctly referenced KabookWH, there'll be an error anyway.
    Of course, the user will fix the typo, think all is well now, not knowing that your genius little fix removed the list entry, setting it up for failure.
    Or, the other way around, the list entry is incorrect, and the warhead is fine - the warhead will likely work for a little while because not all functions rely on the list. But when the time comes and the game breaks, the user never even has a chance to find out where the problem is from, because the Checker doesn't cry about a wrong list entry - there is none, after all. If the modder does realize the problem is with the list, he's left to wonder whether he forgot to list it in the first place, or the Checker quietly fucked up his code.
Oh, did I mention "INI Checker" implies "INI checking" as its main function, not "spell checking" or "auto-generating code for people too retarded to get basic, logical connections right"?

If you design a weapon, reference a warhead, and never write that warhead, you deserve a crash and it is an important part of learning.
If you did write the warhead, it is important that you can find, identify and fix the issue, rather than having some wannabe-HAL doing guesswork on your code in the background.

All in all, your post is a prime example of how not to do it.
From the unexplained, unqualified claims that the tool "need improvemts" (sic), that it "need some more work" (sic), over the fact that you are willingly infecting your game with known bug-ridden software and then claim the INI Checker needs more work, to the clear implication that your modding skills are non-existent in the first place, and that many of the issues you list wouldn't be issues if you just sat down and thought about what you are doing for a second, garnished by spelling that should be impossible in an age of inbuilt spell checkers, and spiced by a surprising lack of politeness, there is nothing in your post you got "right" in any way. You didn't even manage to choose the correct forum area to post in.

Go and fix your code.
Once you're down to 1 or 2 bugs that you can't find, and you weren't able to track them to simple, recurring situations, and you can be 100% sure the random crashes aren't due to the fact that you use NPatch, then you can come back and, in a friendly, non-dismissive matter, ask for a few more checking modes to be implemented to help you.

But as long as it's obvious that the problems are you and your modding environment, there is no need to fix the tool.
Forum Rules

(01.06.2011, 05:43:25)kenosis Wrote: Oh damn don't be disgraced again!

(25.06.2011, 20:42:59)Nighthawk Wrote: The proverbial bearded omni-bug may be dead, but the containment campaign is still being waged in the desert.

Messages In This Thread
DCoders INI Checker need improvemts - by Cool Guest - 06.06.2009, 15:26:02
RE: DCoders INI Checker need improvemts - by Renegade - 06.06.2009, 17:46:00
RE: DCoders INI Checker need improvemts - by Guest - 06.06.2009, 21:32:12
RE: DCoders INI Checker need improvemts - by Guest - 07.06.2009, 00:11:28
RE: DCoders INI Checker need improvemts - by Guest - 07.06.2009, 19:52:32

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