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Patching extra functionality into <gamemd.exe>
can you create a weapons list so that we don't have to create dummy units for weapons fired by other things?
such as other weapons, or superweapons.
Whats wrong with creating dummy units? Never had a problem with them(except when I forget to put a tech limit on it lol).

About the Money type SWs my first thought you may have linked it to the coding for crates but I admit I have no idea about anyting to do with the actual coding could you make it the a sw has the crate rules? Like Heal all, free unit(hunter seeker sw?),stat boost, or a bomb? Please no Flames its just a hypothetical question.
Being able to set the superweapons given by the unused nuke superweapon crate would be a nice feature so it could be changed to any superweapon, even one not normally available (like the airstrike in TD).
hmmm, using a superweapon to point to a crate, to point to another superweapon...

is there a point to this? why not simply use the first superawepon?
Reread Blade's post...

^he wants that entry to point to a customizeable superweapon, like you could get Parabombs only from a crate in RA1, unless you cheated.

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ok then.
Status report, 1.07b:

- screenshots are fixed - it was like I thought it was, and that way, easy to fix
- I figured a EVADetected problem causing IEs. I know what causes it and I will fix it.

If anybody got seemingly random IEs or IEs with known patch relation then please inform me.
[Image: jsfml.png]
have you checked out engineers from sold/destroyed constructions yards as 4th side yet?
Please, make a spawn tag compatible with jumpjet locomotors, for kirov airstrike.
Couldn't you [Augusto], just make an AircraftType that uses the image of the Kirov?
Ever wondered what the hell is going on?
Believe me friend you're not the only one.

Check out Launch Base for RA2/YR -
Also home to the Purple Alert mod, 1.002 UMP, and the YR Playlist Manager.
yes, make an aircraft type that looks like a kirov, then use the new spyplane/airstrike superweapon PD made to drop a kirov bomb.
Try use aircraft with jumpjet locomotor in airstrike superweapon and look the strange bug. Kirov with flying locomotor is different and not god.

Other thing, How to reenable tutorial campaing in Yuri Revenge?
Tanks, but i know to add the third button campaign. I need the ini code for create a
yuri campaing.

You make airstrike with jumpjet aircraft?
How RA2/YR campaigns work.

Why do you need jumpjet aircraft so much? What can it do (besides dogfights) that a real aircraft cannot?

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