- Test with a multiplayer loadscreen (I forgot to see the size of the PNG):
Classic SHP format (compression 3? I can't remember...): 231KB -> Works
SHP16 test format: 937KB -> Works
- Test with a cameo (I forgot to see the size of the PNG):
Classic SHP format (compression 3? I can't remember...): 2,84KKB -> Works
SHP16 test format: 5,65KB-> Works
- Test with a 800x600 screenshot of my desktop with detailed photos

(.PNG -> 404KB) to be used as 1º game loadscreen:
Classic SHP format: ~180KB-200KB -> Works
SHP16 test format: 937KB-> Works
I haven't tested animated graphics but the unique problem that I see in this moment is the file size (and the things that aren't finished of the new format)
Quote:does that file include instructions? EG, how do i make a 16bit SHP?
The GUI has little bugs (could be because in this moment isn't a priority) but is 100% functional:
1º) Button "Add" and search your image in those 3 available formats (a little hack to solve the problem to show the files on the window is write *.* & click "Enter").
2º) On "Destination file" text box select your filename ( for example: YourImage.shp) that will be saved the shp16 (is the classical "Save as...")
3º) Click on Convert
4º) Move the new Shp file into RA2 folder & use a fake .pal file (only if is required, cameos for example not need a pal file...)
5º) Run YR with/without your mod