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Smarter Target Acquisition
But making such a fundamental change to the engine without allowing mods to opt in or out would be an odd junction from the usual implementation of fixes in Ares, which iirc are mostly things which can be individually customised (except the kennel hack being removed, which was a side effect of something else iirc).

...I have a pet peeve about people deciding that widely arching changes are a good idea and then that anyone who disagrees should simply accept the new way things are done, so please let me go on at a little length on that:
"They'd have to adapt" is the way the "lets annoy the fanbase with arbitrary changes to X which indirectly limits the effectiveness of Y when used as/with/during/before/after Z" path starts. Westwood went for this sort of route when doing so much of TS/RA2, and look how many headaches its given to the community, invoking strange limitations and even stranger workarounds (its got to be one of the big reasons Ares exists). The arbitrariness and unnecessarily hardcoded nature of the 'fix' you're suggesting just perpetuates a bad design cycle. You want tanks to target other tanks? What about infantry, should they all target only other infantry first? What about if it's an antitank infantry? Or an antiinfantry tank? This seems like a fiddly fix to a perceived problem, which only breaks some tactics and skews the gameplay further without giving control to the players/modders.
Forcing changes down unsuspecting people's throats is just annoying. Then justifying it with "Oh well, they'll adapt" is just downright incompetent, if not actively malicious.

It basically says "I am right, and you are wrong. Whether reality agrees with this or not, you have to see things my way".

In the end, if you want your tanks to attack the tanks instead of the infantry hold the left mouse button and drag select your tanks then move your cursor over to the enemy tanks and double click on them. This will cause the tanks to target the other tanks, and is generally referred to as 'playing the game'.

Messages In This Thread
Smarter Target Acquisition - by XTF - 04.11.2011, 00:29:25
RE: Smarted Target Acquisition - by DCoder - 04.11.2011, 07:19:40
RE: Smarted Target Acquisition - by XTF - 04.11.2011, 11:28:10
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by ¥R M0dd€r - 04.11.2011, 18:15:41
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by XTF - 05.11.2011, 02:28:50
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by Mevitar - 04.11.2011, 23:56:41
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by Orac - 05.11.2011, 01:20:32
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by DCoder - 05.11.2011, 07:42:43
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by XTF - 05.11.2011, 13:02:28
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by Orac - 06.11.2011, 11:41:58
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by Renegade - 06.11.2011, 16:21:54
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by Orac - 06.11.2011, 21:21:23
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by XTF - 07.11.2011, 17:37:38
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by Orac - 08.11.2011, 05:34:16
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by XTF - 08.11.2011, 12:42:55
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by DCoder - 08.11.2011, 13:26:16
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by XTF - 08.11.2011, 13:48:46
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by Nighthawk - 09.11.2011, 08:44:36
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by XTF - 09.11.2011, 11:01:39
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by DCoder - 09.11.2011, 13:07:08
RE: Smarter Target Acquisition - by XTF - 09.11.2011, 15:26:31

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