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DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715
Fight 1
The Iron Curtain for weapons logic is not complete if the AI won't try to reduce the amount of protection time remaining for a unit. Why shouldn't a unit try to counter IC protection? If this is not implemented, even if there unit that reduce IC they won't even try.

The SHP error is unfortunate but not that important as it doesn't affect the game or its balance. Usually I vote for fixing bugs rather than adding new stuff. This time it is different for I think the IC logic doesn't work right and it could do better. This helps the player if units automatically target IC'd tanks and lets the AI act more intelligently. Thus, Iron Curtain enchancements.

Fight 2
The SW issue sounds like requesting another hack instead of fixing the original problem. Yes, it is possible to re-create the RA1 style spy sat if the building fires a missile and then turns into a building with Radar=yes and SpySat=yes. If it is destroyed, you will have to wait until it is charged again. If you build the original building, start the satellite and the building changes, you can build another original building, even if it has a build limit. No one stops you from building two buildings in the first place, only converting one. Bad.

Extending upgrades is the better alternative in this case. Several things are broken and seem hackish. The game might run a little slower as it has to check all possible upgrade slots to find what it is looking for. On the pro side it opens many possibilities to have radar and other upgrades, creating buildable oil derrics/other money generators that can be upgraded to earn more money but make an even better target for the enemies. And having upgradable tech centers that qualify as prerequisite would just be cool. Upgrades.

Messages In This Thread
DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by Renegade - 22.07.2010, 20:31:55
RE: DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by reaperrr - 22.07.2010, 22:46:33
RE: DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by Beowulf - 23.07.2010, 02:17:25
RE: DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by Blade - 23.07.2010, 12:46:31
RE: DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by MRMIdAS - 23.07.2010, 21:02:15
RE: DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by Nighthawk - 24.07.2010, 02:46:20
RE: DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by Renegade - 27.07.2010, 02:52:41
RE: DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by AlexB - 29.07.2010, 04:02:05
RE: DFD: 479 vs. 766, 286 vs. 715 - by Renegade - 06.08.2010, 02:18:12

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