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On Ares, Probabilities, the Future and the State of the Community
Yeah, sorry for my inactivity in testing Ares features... Life's been kicking my ass too, as appears to be the case for quite a lot of people here. I've had little free time between school and extracurricular activities (mostly marching band), and I've really had time only to poke my head in the bugtracker, see that nothing new has happened, wonder why the heck it's so dead, close the window, and move on. I felt like posting anything on the tracker or testing anything would be useless because there seemed to be no activity from either developers or testers.

I have realized now that that was a grievous error in judgment.

I have some spare time today as I was sick from school, and the band's state championships are afternoon tomorrow (meaning the season's pretty much over), and homework seems to be easing off on me a bit, so I should be able to make some contributions as a tester.

Plus, I finally brought myself to set aside a blank unmodded rulesmd.ini file strictly for Ares testing, so I am no longer restricted to features I am inclined to implement in my mod, as well as the notion that I don't want to implement other features in the interest of not screwing up my mod. Don't ask why it took so long for this idea to dawn on me, but I am now ready for versatile, dedicated Ares testing.

And if I didn't make it obvious enough, I really don't want Ares to die. For me, Yuri's Revenge was my first love for modding, and no matter what other games I mod, Yuri's Revenge has always been a constant for me. No matter how long of a break I take from YR to go play other games, I always come back. And Ares makes modding so much more fun, opens up so much more possibilities, and well, frankly, it keeps me comming back to this game.

Honestly, who needs the community anyways? PPM doesn't need us and we don't need them. Most of the prominent members of Revora(that is, the hardcore modders) are already members here and are contributing. The only community that should matter is the one right here at Renegadeprojects. And really, if Ares can change just a few major mods in the community (which it has already easily accomplished), don't you think that's enough reward?

What about your own mod(s)? Do you ever plan to use Ares to make a mod of your own?

Messages In This Thread
RE: On Ares, Probabilities, the Future and the State of the Community - by WoRmINaToR - 06.11.2010, 06:59:28

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