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DFD: Ultimate Smackdown
[0000333] Barrel=
[0000392] DestroyAnim / Explosion / DebrisAnims Override
[0000488] Cliff SHP sequences request
[0001147] Streak
333 Because it's just useless and lazy, use an empty voxel as the xxxtur and you get the same effect with turretrotates=no
392 because it's silly and the only use is a hack for cellspread temporal imitation.
488 because I know of nobody who is going to practically remake an infantry unit just so it can go across cliffs.
1147 because it's a bad mechanic in FPS (debatably) and would only get worse in an RTS where it's a shoddy second veteran system with no indication...

Well, I'm not 100% sure about this. Why not use 302 for such a thing. Or is that irrelevant? "Bullet Effect" really doesn't seem too different from using a straight-firing weapon with a long bullet-like image
Because it's only an effect. A straight-firing projectile would hit things on its way (in fact I've started taking advantage of this...) , whereas with an effect the damage works the same as always but we get the nice visual stimulus of little flying tracers.

If the straight-flight projectiles are used they'd be almost useless against air targets as the damned AI can't do deflection shooting (it never had to before, although if you look at the target markers when you select a moving tank to attack using another tank, the fact the red dot at the end of the line is forward of it - and shifts according to speed - suggests it does with tank shells, or at least considers the idea of maybe trying it). Regardless re-coding the AI's targeting so it can hit things with styraight flying projectiles is a pain in the posterior compared to a shiny little bullet effect.

Messages In This Thread
DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Renegade - 08.08.2010, 18:29:25
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Nighthawk - 08.08.2010, 18:45:49
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by reaperrr - 08.08.2010, 21:31:56
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Darkstorm - 08.08.2010, 20:41:48
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Renegade - 09.08.2010, 01:01:26
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by MRMIdAS - 09.08.2010, 15:17:38
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Black Shadow 750 - 09.08.2010, 18:30:35
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Renegade - 09.08.2010, 19:05:28
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Beowulf - 09.08.2010, 19:42:26
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Orac - 10.08.2010, 06:50:01
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Renegade - 10.08.2010, 07:23:22
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Beowulf - 10.08.2010, 10:02:32
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by mt. - 10.08.2010, 17:48:50
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Beowulf - 10.08.2010, 21:02:07
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by AlexB - 10.08.2010, 18:01:09
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Lt Albrecht - 10.08.2010, 18:09:00
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Nighthawk - 10.08.2010, 18:20:48
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by mt. - 10.08.2010, 21:11:09
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by DCoder - 10.08.2010, 21:21:08
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Renegade - 10.08.2010, 21:26:18
RE: DFD: Ultimate Smackdown - by Renegade - 10.08.2010, 23:38:40

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