20.05.2007, 13:50:48
Marshall Wrote:There is no way on Earth I am releasing a new version of Launch Base just to support each new RP version name. The RP-Gen program that CnCVK is using will provide a number of the form A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H........
CnCVK can put in there whatever he likes as long as it is a number or a floating point - Launch Base will display the RP as "Rock Patch WhateverHeLikes Edition", but regardless of the name all versions are considered to be THE RockPatch, and Launch Base will determine what version is installed based on this number. I have asked CncVK to make this number unique for every new release, as Launch Base will use this number to determine if a version is high enough for a mod that requires it. Mod authors will have to use this number in order to specify the minium version of RP required for their mod.
VK has already made it clear that you need the EXACT version, since they are not backwards compatible.