22.04.2007, 14:59:21
Why does everyone have to be so obstinate and insist their way is the only right way? The way I see it, VK can call the patches whatever he wants, but at the end of the day they CAN and DO map to a version number. Despite VK's insistence to the contrary, RPCE is to all intents and purposes the v1.09 release, 1.08SE is the final stable 1.08 release and he has been running BETA tests despite saying he hasn't because clearly that's what the revisions actually are, whether they are called BETA tests or not. That said, stop making such a big issue over what to call something, at the end of the day it isn't really important if its called RPCE or RP 1.09 just as it isn't important if its windows xp or windows 5.1. The average user doesn't care about the version number or the history, they just care it works so lets focus on making it do that shall we?