05.09.2006, 17:35:14
Another lag source: exagerate number of units. When the AI ( actualy, the AIs:4 brutes with MANY units ) has 600 or so units guarding or preparing to attack, and the game allmost freezed - 8-10 real seconds for an in-game "second" ( you can see this on SWs countdouwn ).
Note: all particles, animations etc have "Translucent=no", also all debris removed in Rulesmd...
This is an extreme situation, yet a more realistic situation would be to increase the teams & the units in each team so you get 2-300 units for 7 brutes... enough to get an 2-3 secs / in-game second lag. Add the translucency, railguns, cloaked stuffs & another various sources of lag...
Another slowdown: animated HVAs ( like rotors for choppers ) - when there are more units ( over 30 ) in a single place, when you center on them the game will slow. If you move the screen to another part of the map the game will get to normal speed.
Note: all particles, animations etc have "Translucent=no", also all debris removed in Rulesmd...
This is an extreme situation, yet a more realistic situation would be to increase the teams & the units in each team so you get 2-300 units for 7 brutes... enough to get an 2-3 secs / in-game second lag. Add the translucency, railguns, cloaked stuffs & another various sources of lag...
Another slowdown: animated HVAs ( like rotors for choppers ) - when there are more units ( over 30 ) in a single place, when you center on them the game will slow. If you move the screen to another part of the map the game will get to normal speed.