31.08.2006, 16:12:30
Quote:If you re-stretch the screen, I'll have to create new graphics for it; theoretically no problem, but if you go that far, you might as well add some new stuff to it (like said countdown).I talk about SideBar panel: I want to extend it up to 2 * 10 cameos and add normal up-down controls like in allied sidebar
Quote:As for dodgy looking icons, I had problems with icons I'd made using XCC mixerIt's used special blitter.
Quote:Personally I'd rather there be some kind of flag to enable dropship delivery in the teamtype or taskforce rather than just a special number. There would always be a chance that someone would use that number accidentally in a map if they made and deleted a lot of taskforces while working on the map.Find any map which use [11111111] task force
Maybe add DropShipTaskForce=[TaskForce] flag to the [Basic]?
I think my idea with taskforces is better, because you will can create different reinforcement:
For example
[11111111] = First DropShip units
[22222222] = Second DropShip units
ARM forever - x86 sucks!