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A Quest for Sandboxing[RA2 Yuri's Revenge]
Hello everyone, I'm here to share my observations about modified Yuri's Revenge and ask some questions about it.
So, I installed Yuri's Revenge a few days ago in hopes to create something silly. Being able to build explosive barrels and watch them blow up my president units in a skirmish game. After a little search in the internet I've found a way to edit game's files via a custom rulesmd.ini file. So I started to arrange everything in the game as buildable. Naturally game started to freak out when I played for a few minutes. Tooltips went missing, whole defense tab went missing but selectable, and after a little while game crashed.
So I searched for a possible fix and I came across with Ares. After installing Ares all the bugs, glitches were fixed and everything was working perfectly. But I've learned that unfortunately Ares doesn't have a save feature.
You probably thinking I'd request a saving feature. No. I just want to find a shortcut around whole situation. My problem is how Ares fixes my initial problem and is it possible for a fix without breaking saves? I'd be so grateful if there's a way.
Also I want to thank you guys for keeping alive RA2 modding. This game had been installed every computer I've touched and you guys keeping it alive via modding. So thanks for that and thanks for replies.
TL;DR: I'd like to know if fixes of disappearing tooltips, "new construction options" spam, and potential crashes possible without breaking saves.

Messages In This Thread
A Quest for Sandboxing[RA2 Yuri's Revenge] - by bLastChance - 24.09.2015, 22:00:08

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