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The few...the proud...the MOs [aka. Ares development on hold]
I'd like to confirm EMP as working, except I haven't delved to deeply into it. I can say that with 1.0 cellspread emp would be spherical which, whislt making sense was OP, allowing for instanta-kill AA.

I only recently got back into RA2 after a looong (and boy do I mean long) string of computer crashes during which I eventually gave up anything that required large time investment. I'd like to say I'm back, but with Uni coming up I can't. Still, perhaps if testers were assigned specific features to test rather than a free-for-all it might encourage them to test thouroughly as any mistakes would be there responsibility.

EDIT: Just realised how old this topic is. Still, my points stand.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The few...the proud...the MOs [aka. Ares development on hold] - by Black Shadow 750 - 02.09.2012, 17:46:58

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