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How to customize the game icon interface?

DefaultDisguise=CNE1 ;(InfantryType)
Crew=CNE2 ;(InfantryType)
SurvivorDivisor=4 ;(integer)
;AI.BaseDefenses= ;(list of BuildingTypes)
;AI.BaseDefenseCounts= ;(list of integers)
ParaDrop.Types=CNE1,CNE2,CNSNIP,CNAPOC ;(list of InfantryTypes and/or VehicleTypes)
ParaDrop.Num=2,2,2,4 ;(list of integers)
ParaDrop.Aircraft=CNSPYP ;(AircraftType)Defaults to PDPLANE.
Parachute.Anim=PARACH ;(Animation)Defaults to PARACH.
Sidebar.MixFileIndex=4 ;(integer)
Sidebar.YuriFileNames=no ;(boolean)
;EVA.Tag= ;(string)

If you use yes there, then of course it won't work. Then it's expected to be sidecmd04.mix and even different files inside (like radaryuri.shp instead of simple radar.shp)

EDIT... Oh, I forgot adding no into my previous post (which is the default)... well, ok, I was confusable there because my mind was more forward than my fingers.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to customize the game icon interface? - by Graion Dilach - 25.08.2012, 18:04:30

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