27.09.2011, 06:56:57
Renegade Wrote:The post gives the impression that you're running Beta versions. According to Wikipedia, the Beta versions costs money.Yes, and we even do a premium check to avoid having to deal with too many griefers. For what I can say, Minecraft Beta is worth its €15 if you're into any kind of multiplayer sandbox. Not sure if it can be compared to gmod really, but add a Survival mode to it and that's about the genre (although lately with increasing adventure and RPG elements!). Anyway, it didn't sell 3+ million copies already for nothing.
WoRmINaToR Wrote:you have to play minecraft online with friends. That aimlessness you feel disappears immediately when there are several other people to play, build, and kill withTotally agree. I have played singleplayer for a short while and it bored me to death, almost dumped the game again. Then I had the idea of hosting a server, best idea ever.