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Terrain Types
TL;DR: the latter.

The bytes in the TMP file responsible for the terrain types of the tiles are remapped to the game's internal LandTypes list. The remap table is 16 bytes long at 0x8288E4 and remaps as follows:
0 -> Clear
1 -> Ice
2 -> Ice
3 -> Ice
4 -> Ice
5 -> Tunnel
6 -> Railroad
7 -> Rock
8 -> Rock
9 -> Water
A -> Beach
B -> Road
C -> Road
D -> Clear
E -> Rough
F -> Rock
Using indices outside that range is likely to result in unpredictable behaviours as the game will happily use it as an index into this table and read other stuff in the exe as if it were real data.

Worth playing: 1 | 2 | 3

Messages In This Thread
Terrain Types - by Blade - 20.04.2011, 00:27:24
RE: Terrain Types - by DCoder - 20.04.2011, 07:23:17

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