Poll: Reopen 0000733?
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Reopen CnC Jarmen Kell?
I am not over this yet......

So Renegade says that 0000733 was closed becuse lack of community intrest. I think the reson no body tested it was becuse of the testers was to lazy at that time.
But am I right or is Renegade right? Please speak community....

Its a useful feature imo, not only can it be used on sniper, but it can aslo be used on neutron bombs etc...

(that guest vote was me, ignore it)
Java student.

Messages In This Thread
Reopen CnC Jarmen Kell? - by ¥R M0dd€r - 12.01.2011, 01:09:49
RE: Reopen CnC Jarmen Kell? - by WoRmINaToR - 12.01.2011, 01:29:30
RE: Reopen CnC Jarmen Kell? - by Nighthawk - 12.01.2011, 01:39:38
RE: Reopen CnC Jarmen Kell? - by Renegade - 12.01.2011, 01:42:15
RE: Reopen CnC Jarmen Kell? - by Renegade - 12.01.2011, 02:04:51
RE: Reopen CnC Jarmen Kell? - by Graion Dilach - 12.01.2011, 11:51:12
RE: Reopen CnC Jarmen Kell? - by Renegade - 12.01.2011, 17:18:53

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