10.10.2010, 00:51:23
Fight 1
The winner of this fight is indeed quite clear. Researches got supporters, sort order doesn't. So, I won't say more here than this: Researches.
Fight 2
I don't know. Upgrading would be a good feature, but it has three supporters here and four people support the NonVehicle tag. In the tracker it has no supporters and NonVehicle got some despite it being the older issue. I vote for NonVehicle to be fixed instead of implementing a new system.
The winner of this fight is indeed quite clear. Researches got supporters, sort order doesn't. So, I won't say more here than this: Researches.
Fight 2
I don't know. Upgrading would be a good feature, but it has three supporters here and four people support the NonVehicle tag. In the tracker it has no supporters and NonVehicle got some despite it being the older issue. I vote for NonVehicle to be fixed instead of implementing a new system.