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DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360
Fight 1
This is about a fun feature and a feature that may actually be used to change the game. Both features are nice to have and personally, I'd like to see both of them implemented. AI player names adds more personality to the game in a few places while the cameo sort order will always be present.

For now I think cameo sort order is more important, as it gives more control to the modders. The random names are nice to have and it shouldn't be complicated to implement it in a few minutes. Thus, it is likely to slip in if a developer has some spare time and is in mood to do something silly.

The reason why I'm not coding this right away: What's more useful? Having three or four of the uncomplicated small issues like this implemented or concentrating on one bigger issue? Answering this is left as an exercise to the reader. Big Grin

Fight 2
The NonVehicle= issue groups several smaller issues that prevent several game logics to work properly, thus fixing it would add more to the game than adding the bullet effect.

This is roughly the same explanation I gave to the last fight NonVehicle= was in: Fixing old stuff before adding new stuff takes precedence. Especially when so many logics are involved.

Messages In This Thread
DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by Renegade - 11.08.2010, 01:43:28
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by Blade - 11.08.2010, 13:39:34
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by mt. - 11.08.2010, 18:41:13
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by Speeder - 11.08.2010, 18:56:02
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by eva-251 - 11.08.2010, 19:28:17
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by MRMIdAS - 11.08.2010, 20:01:39
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by Beowulf - 11.08.2010, 22:32:01
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by Beowulf - 13.08.2010, 00:58:13
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by Beowulf - 14.08.2010, 04:28:55
RE: DFD-R3: 640 vs. 724, 322 vs. 360 - by AlexB - 01.09.2010, 11:53:45

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