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internal error
I have made a mod, and usually everything works fine, but sometimes in the late game, an error occurs; here is the except.txt, which I can't make any sense of - can somebody help me?

Description: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
Access address:00000090 was read from.
Exception occurred at 004B2148

Version zzz
Internal Version 1.000
Release Build: 104 by gsmallwoo - 08/22/2001 - 19:12:30
CPU Pentium III, MMX Yes, Vendor: GenuineIntel

DCoder edit: There was a lot of garbage here. It's gone now.

Messages In This Thread
internal error - by electriceel - 25.08.2010, 15:16:26
RE: internal error - by DCoder - 25.08.2010, 18:51:18
RE: internal error - by Guest - 26.08.2010, 11:50:54
RE: internal error - by Marshall - 26.08.2010, 13:13:27

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