11.08.2010, 13:55:30
518, it is related to the guard area feature which will almost certainly make it though and so will likely be eaiser for the developer to implement along side that than the edge case mutation+parasite combo. It will likely also please more people.
730 can't be replicated the same way TI did it since the request is asking for the functionality TI uses! 564 as requested I don't really support, as I mention on the issue, the ability for sides to define the sidebar (and in future the eva according to the tracker) just needs extending to reload it on SP map load rather than just when rulesmd.ini is read and it can be faked perfectly. So 730 I support I guess.
730 can't be replicated the same way TI did it since the request is asking for the functionality TI uses! 564 as requested I don't really support, as I mention on the issue, the ability for sides to define the sidebar (and in future the eva according to the tracker) just needs extending to reload it on SP map load rather than just when rulesmd.ini is read and it can be faked perfectly. So 730 I support I guess.